Women and Flexibility in the Workplace

The Retread Tire Company recaps tires. The fixed annual cost of the recapping operation is $60,000.The variable ,
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Women and Flexibility in the Workplace

Women and Flexibility in the Workplace

To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Assignment link in the left navigation.
Women and Flexibility in the Workplace

After viewing Women as change agents in America: Part I, determine why Kathleen Christensen believes that the flexibility of women in the workplace is a social and structural issue. Identify some factors that have affected women’s flexibility in the workplace throughout history.
• Evaluate the factors that have affected women’s pay in the workforce.
• Hypothesize what may change for women in the workplace within the next 10 years.

70.Please choose ONE of the following “Data Workshops” from The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology and complete Option 2 where you submit a formal essay that reports and analyzes your findings. Be sure to read the detailed description and instructions in each data workshop in order to better understand the assignment.

• Chapter 3: A Comparison of Religious Services (pp. 74 – 76)
• Chapter 3: Seeing Culture in Popular Magazines (pp. 86 – 87)
• Chapter 4: Impression Management in Action (pp. 105 – 106)
• Chapter 4: Television as an Agent of Socialization (pp. 110 – 111)
• Chapter 5: Virtual Communities and “Netiquette” (pp. 129 – 132)

As Option 2 states at the end of each Data Workshop description, you are writing a 3 – 4 page essay along with an attachment that provides your field notes, jotted notes, or images.