Why reading literary texts and writing about them is of value

Why reading literary texts and writing about them is of value

Topic: Why reading literary texts and writing about them is of value.

Purpose: To explain or persuade


Demonstrates an understanding of the topic.

While the paper does not require outside source material, it may include support from the course texts or the provided supplemental readings. If secondary source material is used, it should be credited using MLA guidelines, both in-text and with a Works Cited.


A title for the essay

Introduction: Begins with an opening to catch the reader’s attention and ends with the thesis statement.

Thesis: A statement that includes the reasons that reading and writing about literary texts is (or is not) of value.

Body: Body paragraphs with topic sentences that connect to the thesis, support that develops the idea presented in the topic sentence.

Paragraphs: Clear topic sentences that relate the paragraph to the thesis, development that is representative and adequate. Paragraphs are coherent, and there are clear transitions between the paragraphs.

Conclusion: A conclusion that returns to the main idea, the thesis, and does more than summarize.

Grammar and Sentencing

Demonstrates the ability to write clear sentences.

Uses strong subjects and verbs.

Subject-verb agreeement, pronoun antecedent agreement, complete sentences (no run-ons, comma splices, or fragments).

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