Why do you think that less equal countries are more likely to so many social problems? Why are there greater rates of mental health issues

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July 8, 2020

Why do you think that less equal countries are more likely to so many social problems? Why are there greater rates of mental health issues

watch this video then answer the two following question

Q1: Why do you think that less equal countries are more likely to so many social problems? Why are there greater rates of mental health issues? Why do these countries have higher crime rates? Why are there harsher punishments for crimes?

Q2: Data in this video showed that overwhelmingly, those of lower social standing in more equal countries do better than in less equal countries. However, it also showed that even the richest people (where although the difference is less dramatic) do better in more equal countries. Why do you think this is? For those who are at the top of the social ladder, what do you think those in more equal countries have to gain?