# Why do many managers prefer that their employees work in teams? Does this necessarily deliver the workplace outcomes that these managers envisage?
Reading List:
1- Findlay P, McKinlay A, Marks A and Thompson P, (2000) ?In search of perfect people: Teamwork and team players in the Scottish spirits industry?, Human Relations, vol. 53, no. 12
2- Kirkman B, (2000), ?Why do employees resist teams? Examining the ?resistance barrier? to work team effectiveness?, International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 11, no. 1,
3- McCabe D, (2000), ?The team dream: the meaning and experience of teamworking for employees in an automobile manufacturing company? in S. Proctor and F. Mueller (eds), Teamworking, Macmillan, Basingstoke.
4- Mueller F, (1994),?Teams Between Hierarchy and Commitment: Change Strategies and the ?Internal Environment??, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 31, no. 3.
5- Proctor S and Currie G, (2002) ?How teamworking works in the Inland Revenue: Meaning, operation and impact?, Personnel Review, vol. 31, no. 3
6- Sinclair A, (2003), ?The Tyranny of Team Ideology?, Organization Studies, vol. 13, no. 4.
7- Thompson P and McHugh D, (2002) Work Organisations, 3rd edition, Palgrave, Basingstoke, Chapter 20.
8- Vallas S, (2003) ?Why Teamwork Fails: Obstacles to Workplace Change in Four Manufacturing Plants?, American Sociological Review, vol. 68, no. 2.
9- Wright W and Edwards P, (1998), ?Does Teamworking Work, and if so, Why??, A Case Study in the Aluminium Industry?, Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 19.