Which stage of change each client is in

Analyze how the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) apply to the facts of the case study. Provide examples to support your analysis
July 8, 2020
Rehabilitation Counseling
July 8, 2020

Which stage of change each client is in

After reading more about each person using the information in Doc Sharing and listening to the case-study recordings in the Assignment directions, reflect on each person’s current PA and exercise habits, barriers to fitness and current exercise goals. Use this information to write a 4 page paper in APA format answering the following questions for each case study.

Identify and explain the following:


Which stage of change each client is in.


At least 3 appropriate intervention strategies based on each clients current stage of change. For each selection, you must explain your rationale using peer-reviewed research sources.


Whether each client’s self-motivation high or low.


Each client’s biggest barrier to change.