Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes America s position in the European peace movement after the 1899 Hague Peace Conferenc

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Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes America s position in the European peace movement after the 1899 Hague Peace Conferenc

1.) Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes America s position in the European peace movement after the 1899 Hague Peace Conference?

Presidents Roosevelt and Taft negotiated arbitration treaties to submit disputes to the Hague Court, but the Senate refused to ratify any treaty that compromised American sovereignty.

President Wilson favored the peace movement, but his secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan, did not.
Being of warlike temperament himself, Theodore Roosevelt ridiculed the peace movement as being naive.
The United States refused to get involved.
2.) Which of the following statements does not characterize the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001?

No hearings and little debate took place over the act.
President Bush supported the measure completely.
The majority of congressmen did not read the legislation before signing it.
The act decreased the government s powers of domestic surveillance.