Two new chemicals have just been made by one of our colleagues in the medicinal chemistry area. The discoverer thinks that these chemicals will improve memory, so we test these drugs called A and B. In order to test the drugs, we take examinations after ingesting various amounts of the drug. While doing this, we note a toxic effect of these drugs – they make us turn green. We end up with the following data: Dose of Drug (mg) Average of Scores on Exam % of Students that turn Green
0 60 60 0 0
1 60 60 0 0
2 65 60 10 0
3 70 60 30 0
4 75 60 50 0
5 80 65 60 0
6 80 70 60 0
7 80 75 60 20
8 80 80 60 50
9 80 80 60 80
10 80 80 60 100
1. Which drug is more effective at improving exam scores? (Trick question, think carefully)
a. Drug A
b. Drug B
c. Both are equally effective
2. Which drug is more effective at turning people green?
a. Drug A
b. Drug B
c. Both are equally effective
3. What is the ED50 for the effect of drug A on increasing exam scores? (be sure to use baseline (score with no drug taken) in your calculation)
a. 3 mg
b. 4 mg
c. 5 mg
d. 6 mg
e. 8 mg