Where does leadership begin? Discuss.

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Where does leadership begin? Discuss.

Order DescriptionEg: Assignment Task:
Where does leadership begin? Where change begins. James MacGregor Burns
Tesco remains the UKs largest supermarket chain but, according to Sir Terry, the brand has lost its reputation for low prices.
Tesco is the biggest, people expect it to have the best prices for the products that they buy, he said. Some of that trust has been eroded. A Which? survey in December found that Asda is now the UKs cheapest supermarket.
Tesco lost a number of senior executives under Mr Clarkes regime. And that has continued, with four key Tesco executives Chris Bush, the UK managing director, Carl Rogberg, the UK finance director, Kevin Grace, the group commercial director, and John Scouler, food commercial director all leaving the retailer following the accounting scandal. Five others remain suspended. Too many of those were allowed to go in too short a period of time, said Sir Terry. There was a shortage of experience.
In the end thats a failure of leadership, not a failure of the business, not a failure of the people who work hard every day in the business, Sir Terry said.
When youre the CEO, if it goes well, you get credit, if it doesnt go well, you must take responsibility and Phil Clarke has taken that responsibility and paid the price with his job.*TASK:
The assessment of this module challenges all students to translate leadership and management theory into practice. The brief example of Tesco scenario above provides the vehicle for introducing the assessment. Students will critically examining the theories and concepts covered over the course of the semester through a case study of their choice. Demonstrating the depth of their knowledge and understanding of leadership and the management of strategic change.
This assessment is based upon application of course concepts and models to a contemporary case study of your choice. The selected case study should be an organisation/ business/ third sector that have gone through significant change within the last 10 years.
Taking the role of a management consultant, you have been requested to provide a report to help the leadership team of the organisation to improve their leadership and management of strategic change.
Your task is first to analyse the approach to leadership within the specific contemporary business or organisation during the period of transformational change, or paradigm shift. It is important to identify important challenges faced by the leadership and to critically evaluate the outcome of the leadership style and approach in the organisation/ business. (Support your briefing paper with reference to a significant range of leadership and organisational development theories.)
Your conclusions and recommendations will provide a practical approach to the outcomes of the theories used, including specific insights into how the case study organisation could adopt new approaches to leadership and managing strategic change
The answer should include an understanding of leadership topics such as;
trait/ behaviour,
contingency/ situational
Transformational theories including issues such as change management,
organisational culture, leaders as strategic learner etc.
Transformational change and paradigm shifts will be a particular focus of the
Leadership, management style, globalisation, organisational culture, organisational structure, power and politics, leaders as strategic learners, change management are likely to be addressed. It is also important to identify and evaluate how knowledge of leadership and or and organisational development can improve a managers efficiency and effectiveness in managing an enterprise.Tips:
Demonstration of a clear understanding of the issues. Use of academic theories and models. Critique of a range of leadership, change, culture and management models/approaches
Practical and pragmatic conclusions and recommendations.
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