ONE: Summary of the text: What was the book about? How was the information
presented? What are the book’s over all main points? If there are many mini stories/chapters pick a few of the most interesting to write about.
• TWO: Application: How does this book contribute to our understanding of the human mind and/or the general field of psychology: In other words, what concept, disorder, treatment, etc did the book bring to light ? You may need to do a little research on the internet to learn more about the disorders/conditions discussed in your text. If there are many mini stories/chapters pick a few of the most interesting to write about.
∗ THREE: Personal Response: Quote at least 5 selections from the text which you
found especially thought-provoking. Comment on them. Be critical as well – is the
research sound? Is the author’s bias evident? What value/impact does the book have as to how you think about the world/other people/yourself?
∗ Requirements: The paper should be: typed, double-spaced, 12 font, informal writing style which may include I statements such as I found this particular feature of obsessive-compulsive fascinating because it Include a bibliography if you use any other outside source. Do not plagiarize from another source.