What the Tech World Doesn’t Understand About Fashion?
Read the Article: http://www.racked.com/2015/2/16/8039853/apple-watch-google-glass-fashion-tech (Links to an external site.)
There has been a growth in collaborations integrating Fashion and Technology. From the Apple Watch being an accessory on the covers of fashion magazines to models wearing Google Glasses on runway shows, it is no surprise that technology is really pushing to enter the Fashion sector.
This being said, people are on opposite sides with acceptance. Do you feel the transformation of the fashion world by including technology is beneficial? Most luxury houses do not approve of this. Many luxury brands barely have an e-commerce site because it takes away from exclusivity and dilutes the core values of fashion. Do you think technology and fashion brings it to mass market and ruins the fundamentals of fashion prior to this? Is the target customer shifting from Fashion lovers to Tech lovers? How do you feel about this given the Tech Era we live in? Do we keep old ways? Or brush them out with the new?