Assignment 1: Research Project Apple
Core Information:
Due: Due by 11.00pm AEST, Friday Week 7 (4 December 2015)
Weighting: 30% (5% of which will come from peer assessment)
Individual/Group Group Assignment
Word limit: 2000-2500 words in total (plus or minus 10%)AimThe purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply knowledge, theory, frameworks and tools from the early part of the unit to an analysis of the strategy and strategic practices of a real organisation. You will work in teams, since this is what happens in real organisations, in analysing the strategies pursued by Apple since its creation. You will evaluate the strategies and their effectiveness and relate those real-life experiences to relevant research and theory. The aim is to provide experience of strategic analysis and practice and to determine your ability to relate real strategy to theory and research.The Overall TaskApple has been at the forefront of technology products and with the release of the Ipods range and many other products that meet the needs of the technology users both in business and entertainment. Arguably a leader in innovation and inspiration products for everyday use.Your task in this case analysis is to answer three questions by critically analysing Apples history, resources and market situation. Please do not just describe events, although you should read Apples history to understand the background to your analysis. You should use the principles and concepts that you have learned in Topics 15 to answer the following three questions: What strategy or strategies has Apple! adopted since it was created? Answer this question by applying one or more of the theoretical approaches discussed in the earlier part of the course e.g. Porters Five Forces. Does the RBV (resource based view) offer any insights into Apples success? E.g. assessing the company using the VRIN framework What strategic options can you describe for Apple! if it wishes to remain a successful organization throughout the next decade? Answer this question based on a SWOT analysis of the circumstances that exist in 2015 and your best forecasts of relevant future industry factors.These are wide-ranging questions and you should undertake extensive independent research (MUST HAVE 10 JOURNALS can have other sources as supplements but NOT Wikis, Blogs) into Apple! and its industry. You should explore different aspects of these issues and incorporate them into your report. This is a practical assessment of a real company, but you need to show an understanding of theory and research in your evaluation and suggestions.
This is a group project. You will be in a group with 3-4 other students. It is imperative that you work together effectively as a team on this task. In the real world of business almost everything requires team work and you do not get to work just with your friends and those you choose.
Begin to gather information about Apple! and its strategies. There are a range of sources you can make use including the companies own corporate website and related publications, academic journals, business press and media, blogs and so on. The quality business press such as Forbes or Business Week or the Economist are in some ways good places to start.
However, you need to begin to study relevant course materials (Topic 1 5 from study guide, powerpoint supported by textbook) as the task requires you to analyse and evaluate Apples strategy in relation to theory, frameworks and research.
Consider each of the three questions carefully and begin to relate practice to theory in an attempt to answer each of them. The questions explicitly direct you to specific aspects of the unit material and to specific types of models, tools and theories.
The first question asks to you identify the strategy or strategies pursued by Apple! and suggests you might consider this in the light of material from the early part of the unit. For example, you might consider this in relation to Porters Five Forces model or you might try and determine if Apple! pursued a clear strategic plan or whether you can discern emergent aspects of their strategy. There is latitude here for you to explore things and provide an analysis that you think makes sense. Your analysis should include an assessment of why you think Apple! developed the strategies that they did. This can include, for example, assessment of the environment and industry conditions they confronted.
The second question is somewhat more explicit. It asks you to apply a particular theory or approach to strategy known as the Resource Based View. This will be covered in early topics of the course, but there is plenty of material relating to this as it is perhaps the most popular approach to strategy currently. This question does not necessarily imply that you must fit Apple! into the RBV framework you might take the view that the theory does not fit what they did wellthat is fine as long as you can sensibly justify your interpretation. In answering this question you might, for example, consider assessing the company using the VRIN framework.
The third question is difficult since it asks you to look forward and to suggest the type of strategy and strategising that Apple! might fruitfully pursue going forward through the rest of this decade. One explicit suggestion is that you use the well known SWOT tool to analyse the situation confronting the company now and as part of the input into determining strategy going forward. However, that does not preclude you using other tools and frameworks to do an analysis and suggest a strategic path for Apple!.
It should be clear that there is no definitive right answer here. This also mirrors reality, companies are not able to find a single solution or pathway; they have to make difficult choices from alternatives. In the light of that try to explore different aspects of the three questions there are no correct answers and lots of valid arguments for and against all kinds of alternatives. The merits of your argument will depend to a large extent on how much evidence you can cite to support your point of view; that is why this is called a research project.
Write up your analysis. This should be in a report format. Here is a suggested structure:
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
Development of Apple
Scope of report
2. Background to the Company
2.1 Apple formation
2.2 Current challenges
3. Strategic Analysis
The Nature of Apples Strategy or Strategies
3.2 An RBV assessment of Apple!
3.3 Strategic Options for Apple!
4. Conclusion
Appendix (Optional)
Ensure that you have related the real conditions of the company to theory and research and that you have read, cited and referenced appropriate academic material as well as more popular sources (which also need to be properly referenced.)
Submit the report via the Turnitin Submission Link (under Assessment Details on the Blackboard site)be fully aware of the plagiarism rules in the School; plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Complete peer review and submit via email to relevant tutors/lecturers.
You are working in groups and it is your responsibility to manage the group and group processes effectively. If for some reason the group is failing to function properly, or if group members are not making a proper contribution, raise the matter immediately with your tutor/lecturer do not wait until the end of the session or after you have submitted.
The marking criteria for the assignment can be found on the following page. They are published to give you detailed guidelines about the way in which your mark will be calculated. Please read them carefully. Note that they are a guide, not a definitive formula for allocating marks, and no set of criteria can accurately describe every possible assignment. Your final mark will reflect the application of academic judgement by your marker to your whole assignment.MNG00114 Competitive Strategy (Session 3, 2015)
Assignment 1: Research Project Marking CriteriaRatings and Comments According to Criteria Mark
Executive Summary Provides a properly constructed and correct length executive summary:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
The executive summary provides a brief overview of the purpose of the report and an effective summary of its content:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:/5
Properly describes the task and sets up the report content that follows:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor NA
Places the assignment in context in terms of discussing the nature and importance of strategy and its relation to the success (or otherwise) of companies such as Apple!:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:
Background to the Company
Provides a clear, sufficiently detailed and properly referenced account of Apples emergence and development as a company:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Provides a clear, sufficiently detailed and properly referenced account of Apple! as a company, for example, type of company, size, industry, basic performance data etc:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:
Strategic Analysis
The Nature of Apples Strategy or Strategies since it began.
Identifies and discusses the strategy or strategies pursued by Apple!:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Relates the strategy/strategies pursued by Apple! to theories, models and research:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:
An RBV assessment of Apple!
Assess Apple! and its strategising through the Resource Based View of the Firm framework:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Is able to apply the VRIN framework to assess Apples strategic capabilities:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Is able to show a critical understanding of the RBV framework and its applicability to an assessment of a real organisation such as Apple!:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:
Strategic Options for Apple! moving forward
Provides an analysis of Apples current situation from a strategic standpoint:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Demonstrates capability in applying analytical tools such as SWOT:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Provides plausible recommendations for a strategy that promises to move it forward successfully:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:/20
Draws sensible conclusions based on the analysis and discussion:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Conclusions reveal key learning to be taken from the analysis:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:/10
Technical and Professionalism Aspects of the Report
In-text citations and proper referencing (note: an absence of in-text citations and referencing may lead to penalties beyond the marks allocated for this criteria point):
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Appropriate sources used and referenced:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Presented in well-thought out, consistent, readable form/appropriate length:
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Style, spelling, grammar and syntax
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor
Further Comments as necessary:
Total: The paper is marked out of 100 and then adjusted to conform to the 25% loading for the coursean additional maximum of 5% is also available based on peer assessment.Summary Comments as Necessary:
Team Member Peer Evaluation FormDo not put your name at the top of this form, but do put your name in the spaces provided in the table below. This session you have worked with other students on preparing a major assignment. Effective teamwork is vital in business and you need to develop skills and competencies to work in that manner. You are being asked here to assess both your own contribution to team effectiveness and that of your peers in the team. This is also a common approach in business. Please rate yourself and your team members on the relative contribution made to preparing and presenting the assignment. Your ratings will be confidential and anonymous. It is essential that you approach this in a mature and responsible fashion and that you are honest in your self- and other-evaluations.
In rating yourself and your team members, use a one- to five-point scale, where 5 = superior, 4 = above average, 3 = average, 2 = below average, and 1 = really weak. Refer to the rubric below the assessment table for guidance on how to interpret and apply these scores. Add the scores to obtain a total score for yourself and the other group members. Put any comments you like in the space provided. Thank you.Put your name and your team members names in the spaces provided, one name at the top of each column.
Names: e.g. Joe Bloggs
Time Management:Participation:Contributions:Working with others:Add Total Scores Here:Comments:Group performance rubric:
5 4 3 2 1
Time Management
Group member always completed assigned tasks on time and was on time for all meetings and discussions Group member usually completed assigned tasks on time and did not hold up progress on the projects because of incomplete work. Was on time for meetings and discussions most of the time Group member sometimes did not complete assigned tasks on time, and held up completion of project work. The member was sometimes late for meetings and discussions. Group member frequently did not complete assigned tasks on time, and held up completion of project work. Member was frequently late for or failed to attend meetings and discussions (without providing good reason) Group member failed to complete most of the assigned tasks on time and frequently impaired the progress of the group. Member was consistently late or failed to show up for meetings/discussions.
Participation Group member participated fully in all team activities/tasks and was focused on tasks and task completion at all times. Group member participated effectively most of the time and was focused on tasks and task completion most of the time Group member participated in a satisfactory way and was focused on tasks and task completion at an acceptable level Group member participated but wasted time regularly or was somewhat unfocused on task and task completion Group member did not participate or wasted time and was unfocused on task and task completion.
ContributionsMember made excellent contributions that added value to the project. Always did the required research and writing and produced outcomes at a high level. Member made good contributions that added value to the project. Completed research and writing and produced outcomes at a good level. Member made contributions that were satisfactory and added some value to the project. Mostly completed research and writing tasks at a satisfactory level. Member made contributions that we just adequate and added little value to the project. Was not always diligent in completing research and writing tasks and produced outcomes that were just adequate. Member failed to make adequate contributions or to add value to the project. Did not complete research or writing or it was below expected standards.
5 4 3 2 1
Working With Others The member exhibited the following team behaviours at all times:
Showed respect to other group members.
Listened to others effectively.
Was supportive of others and constructive in comments.
Worked to facilitate effective team work.
The member exhibited the following team behaviours most of the time:
Showed respect to other group members.
Listened to others effectively.
Was supportive of others and constructive in comments.
Worked to facilitate effective team work.
The member exhibited the following team behaviours some of the time:
Showed respect to other group members.
Listened to others effectively.
Was supportive of others and constructive in comments.
Worked to facilitate effective team work.
The member exhibited the following team behaviours infrequently:
Showed respect to other group members.
Listened to others effectively.
Was supportive of others and constructive in comments.
Worked to facilitate effective team work.
The member barely exhibited or failed to exhibit the following team behaviours:
Showed respect to other group members.
Listened to others effectively.
Was supportive of others and constructive in comments.
Worked to facilitate effective team work.
School extension policyStudents wanting an extension must make a request at least 24 hours before the assessment item is due and the request must be received in writing by the unit assessor or designated academic.Extensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be granted (unless supported by a doctors certificate or where there are exceptional circumstances this will be at unit assessors discretion and will be considered on a case by case basis). Extensions will be for a maximum of 48 hours (longer extensions supported by a doctors certificate or exceptional circumstances to be considered on a case by case basis).A penalty of 10% of the total available grade will accrue for each 24 hour period that an assessment item is submitted late. Therefore an assessment item worth 20 marks will have 2 marks deducted for every 24 hour period and at the end of 10 days will receive 0 marks.Extensions will NOT be approved because of problems with personal computers or storage devices. Back up your work every day to a secure location.