What nerve damage did he maintain

What will you expect the new frequency of the s2 allele
April 13, 2020
Solution-Introduction and description about alzheimer
April 13, 2020

What nerve damage did he maintain

Q1. The Dunkers are a religious group that moved from Germany to Pennsylvania in the mid-1700s. They do not marry with members outside their own instant community. Today, the Dunkers are genetically exclusive and differ in gene frequencies, at many loci, from all other populations including those in their original homeland. Which is likely explains the genetic uniqueness of this population?

Q2. David, an aspiring baseball player, was struck on left side of his face with a fastball pitch. He was not wearing any safety helmet. His zygomatic arch was crushed and parts of the temporal bone. Following accident and reconstructive surgery, he noted that his left lower eyelid was still drooping and the corner of his mouth sagged. What nerve damage did he maintain?