What is the purpose of strategic planning for successful court management

discrimination in the North Carolina Extension Service
July 7, 2020
Organizational Impact Paper
July 7, 2020

What is the purpose of strategic planning for successful court management

Give an example of a current/future issue facing courts and court administrators today. How does this issue impact the overall operations of the court system within the criminal justice system? How can we solve this issue to improve the court system and improve overall court administration? Explain.


What is the purpose of strategic planning for successful court management? How do the purposes and responsibilities of the various court personnel influence the planning and overall vision for court management? What would happen if there was no sense of responsibility or strategic plan for successful court management? Explain.

What is the role of language interpretation within the court system and criminal justice system? How does this issue impact the effectiveness and efficiency of court processes and procedures? How can we improve the way in which language interpretation services are rendered in order to improve the overall court processes within the criminal justice system? Should non-english speakers be allowed to serve on juries?  Explain.