What is the difference between motivation and emotion? Are emotions inherently motivating

Describe the product you selected in terms of the four utilities of customer value.
July 6, 2020
Cash Flow_ P14-14A_P14-15A_P14-19A
July 6, 2020

What is the difference between motivation and emotion? Are emotions inherently motivating

DQ1-What is the difference between motivation and emotion? Are emotions inherently motivating? (Due Wednesday 150 words)

 DQ2-What is the link between stress and motivation? How and when does stress go from being a benefit to a deficit in health and coping? (Due Thursday 150 words) 

DQ3-Select an article or chapter from this weeks reading material. Summarize the article/chapter in about 75+ words and then describe your opinion and/or realizations from the article/chapter in 75+ words. (Due Friday)

DQ4-In your weekly summary for this fourth workshop week, describe some realizations you have had about  Arousal, Behavior, Stress, and Affect.(due Sunday)