What is the degree of competitiveness in the industry? What impact is this competition having on your selected firm, and how is the firm addressing co

Write a 300 words evaluating But, Can They Write? This is not a summary. Write in third person present.
June 28, 2020
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June 29, 2020

What is the degree of competitiveness in the industry? What impact is this competition having on your selected firm, and how is the firm addressing co

Order DescriptionFollow the instructions very closely please!I will upload my proposal with the company chose immediately following my order.APPENDIX: Instructions for the 5-page research paper:A main purpose of the paper is for you to demonstrate your analytical skills and understanding of the impact of various macro/micro factors on a company (firm) (and its industry) that you have some interest in.The paper involves some data/information gathering, analysis, and application of some of the key principles learned in this course. The analysis involving the firm and industry you select must address all of the following:An identification and analysis of some of the key non-price factors that influence both demand and supply for the firm / industry selected (for some of these factors see, for example, chapter 2 in the textbook).What is the degree of competitiveness in the industry? What impact is this competition having on your selected firm, and how is the firm addressing competitive pressure? For instance, what short-run and long-run decisions the managers of the firm / industry selected must make to reduce costs of production and enhance competitive advantage?The effects or expected effects of current macroeconomic events on the firm and the industry, focusing on those that are applicable to the firm and industry in question. For example, the change in the relative value of the U.S. dollar, the fall in interest rates, and changes in the price of oil.The impact of the international or global economy on the firm / industry selected.A recommendation as to whether we should invest into the firm, stay away from its stock, or even short-sale it.The paper should be an independently well-researched paper, written purposely for this course. It must be your work in your own words. Ten points will be deducted from papers that do not meet the length requirement, that is, no more than 5 pages (that is, it can be 5 pages or less but it must not exceed 5 pages (excluding your References or Bibliography)). The paper must be double-spaced with 12-point font and 1 inch margins all around. The pages of the paper must be numbered. Graphs (figures), tables, and charts, if used, should NOT be inserted in the text (body), but should be on separate sheets at the back of the paper, and referred to in the text. These sheets are NOT counted when determining the length of the paper. When referencing other works in the body of the paper, use the author(s) last name and year of the paper/book. For example, Smith (2003) provides evidence of predatory pricing in gasoline markets. Be sure that all cited works are listed in your bibliography which must include at least 5 references. You can use the American Psychological Association (APA) or other major style / format for citations and references.The papers will effectively use / apply appropriate tools and principles (e.g., demand and supply analysis and demand elasticity.Paper Grading: The papers will be graded based on the following Criteria (100 points):
15 points
Stating of the specific objectives of the paper and clarity in the statement of issues, clear syntax, correct grammar and spellingOrganization, content, and depth of your research 30 pointsCritical analysis and (personal) insights 35 points20 points
Briefly (a short paragraph is good enough) highlighting the main findings and the policy implications, and briefly and specifically stating the lessons you learned or insights gained from your research for the paper
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