What is Shelby Steeles perspective about affirmative action? Do you agree or disagree with him?

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August 8, 2020
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August 8, 2020

What is Shelby Steeles perspective about affirmative action? Do you agree or disagree with him?

THEN ANSWER THIS QUESTION: What is Shelby Steeles perspective about affirmative action? Do you agree or disagree with him?
Bill Moyers talks with Shelby Steele
BILL MOYERS: Heres one of the intriguing and lingering questions of the week: how is race shaping politics this year? The polling in Iowa was right on showing Barack Obama winning there. So what happened in New Hampshire? The polls predicted another big Obama victory Did they just get it wrong all of them or was there more to it?One Obama supporter put it this way in a widely circulated essay on the web: The exit polls in New Hampshire were accurate for the Republicans and for the second tier Democrats. The only miscalculation was the amount of support for Obama. That miscalculation is about race. Iowa caucus goers stood by Barack, in part, because when voting with their bodies, in front of their neighbors, Iowans are held accountable. In the quiet, solitary space of the voting booth, some New Hampshire voters abandoned Barack.Well never know but as now the contest moves to Michigan, Nevada, and South Carolina where over half of the electorate is African American. But its not as simple as numbers-race never is. Thats why I invited Shelby Steele to our studios. Shelby Steele is one of our foremost public thinkers. His scholarship and ideas have earned him a senior fellowship at Stanford Universitys Hoover Institution and an influential audience in the public square. President Bush honored him with the National Humanities Medal in 2004 for his learned examinations of race relations and cultural issues. for his bestselling book, THE CONTENT OF OUR CHARACTER: A NEW VISION OF RACE IN AMERICA, he received the National Book Critics Circle Award and now he is out with another one. Its called A BOUND MAN: WHY WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT OBAMA AND WHY HE CANT WIN. And its well worth your time.Shelby Steele, welcome to THE JOURNAL.SHELBY STEELE: Good to be here.BILL MOYERS: The subtitle of your book, why we are excited about Obama. Are you excited about Obama?SHELBY STEELE: Yes. Yeah. Actually, I am. Yes.BILL MOYERS: Are you rooting for him?SHELBY STEELE: I cant say that. You know, our politics are probably different. But Im proud of him. And Im happy to see him out there. Hes already made an important contribution to American politics.BILL MOYERS: But you go on to say why he cant win. Now, that would seem to suggest you dont think he can become President.SHELBY STEELE: My gut feeling is that hes going to have a difficulty a difficult time doing that. The reason I think that we dont yet know him. We dont yet quite know. What his deep abiding convictions are. And he seems to have, you know, almost in a sense kept them concealed. And a part of the I think infatuation with Obama is because hes something of an invisible man. Hes a kind of a projection screen. And you sort of see more your the better side of yourself when you look at Obama than you see actually Barack Obama.BILL MOYERS: You say in here that his supporters want him not to do something, but to be something.SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: To represent something. What do you think they want him to be?SHELBY STEELE: I think to be very blunt about it, in a lot of that support is a desire for convergence of a black skin with the United States Presidency, with power on that level the idea is that to have a black in that office leading a largely white country would be redemptive for America.BILL MOYERS: Redemptive?SHELBY STEELE: Redemptive. Would take us a long way. Would indicate that we truly have moved away from that shameful racist past that we had.BILL MOYERS: Thats perfectly logical isnt it?SHELBY STEELE: Yes, it is.BILL MOYERS: And desirable. You seem toSHELBY STEELE: I want it.BILL MOYERS: Yeah, sure. And women want it forSHELBY STEELE: Yeah.BILL MOYERS: In fact I feel for black women in this. Because theyve got this first time unprecedented choice of a plausible woman candidate, as a Democrat, and a plausible black candidate.SHELBY STEELE: Yeah.BILL MOYERS: They must feel a tension.SHELBY STEELE: They have to. I think that the black community in general has been very conflicted about Barack Obama. Precisely because hes been so successful among whites. And that makes black people nervous.BILL MOYERS: Yeah. You say in here, white people like Barack Obama a little too much for the comfort of many blacks.SHELBY STEELE: Yes. Yes.BILL MOYERS: Why?SHELBY STEELE: Well, the black American identity, certainly black American politics are grounded in what I call challenging. Its basically, they look at white America and say were going to presume that youre a racist until you prove otherwise. The whole concept is you keep whites on the hook. You keep the leverage. You keep the pressure. Heres a guy whos what I call a bargainer whos giving whites the benefit of the doubt.BILL MOYERS: Give me a simple definition of what you call a bargainer. And a simple definition of what you call a challenger.SHELBY STEELE: A bargainer is a black who enters the American, the white American mainstream by saying to whites in effect, in some code form, Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Im not going to rub the shame of American history in your face if you will not hold my race against me. Whites then respond with enormous gratitude. And bargainers are usually extremely popular people. Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Sidney Poitier back in the Sixties and so forth. Because they give whites this benefit of the doubt. That you can be with these people and not feel that youre going to be charged with racism at any instant. And so they tend to be very successful, very popular.Challengers on the other hand say, I presume that you, this institution, this society, is racist until it proves otherwise by giving me some concrete form of racial preference.BILL MOYERS: Affirmative action.SHELBY STEELE: Affirmative action. Diversity programs. Opportunities of one kind or another. And so, there is a much more concrete bargaining on the case of challengers. And you go into any American institution today and theyre all used to dealing with challengers. They all have a whole system of things that they can give to challengers, who then will offer absolution.BILL MOYERS: And what are theSHELBY STEELE: Then well say this institution is vetted now. Its not racist anymore.BILL MOYERS: One of the worst things that can happen to you in this country is to be charged with being racially biased.SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: Racial stigma.SHELBY STEELE: You never get over it. On your obituary, itll be the first line. And theres almost no redemption. The good side of that is it makes the point of how intense this society is in its desire to overcome racism and its past.BILL MOYERS: Yes.SHELBY STEELE: So its a good thing on the other hand. On the other hand, the bad side of it is that it has become a form of cruelty. And all youre doing is terrifying whites. I wrote in the last book, WHITE GUILT. Whites live under now, weve underestimated the power of this. Whites live under now this threat of being stigmatized as race. Our institutions live under this threat of being stigmatized as racist and theyre almost panicked over it. What makes me sad there is then whites look at what happened to Don Imus. And now, theyre never going to tell me what they really feel.Whites know never tell blacks what you really think and what you really feel because you risk being seen as a racist. And the result of that is that to a degree, we as blacks live in a bubble. Nobody tells us the truth. Nobody tells us what they would do if they were in our situation. Nobody really helps us. They use us. They buy their own innocence with us. But they never tell us the truth. And we need to be told the truth very often.You know, America is a great society, a great country. Has all sorts the values have gotten us to this place where we are the worlds greatest society in many ways. Well, those values, yes, we had a history of terrible racism. But those same values will work for blacks. They will help us join the mainstream, become a part of it. But whites cant say that because then they seem to be judgmental. Theyre seen as racist. And so, no one says it to us.BILL MOYERS: So you can understand though, why some whites would look to Obama as a redeemer from thatSHELBY STEELE: They think that Obama is a way out of all of that. That he will bring an American redemption. And whites are very happy for that bargain and show gratitude and even affection for bargainers. Oprah Winfrey is the classic bargainer who has also a kind of magic about her that I think again reflects the aspirations of white America.BILL MOYERS: But she never challenges white America.SHELBY STEELE: No. SheBILL MOYERS: Shes successful in part because she makes us.SHELBY STEELE: She makes you feel that this aspiration is possible. That its real. White American women love Oprah. Love Oprah. And so, she makes them feel that way.BILL MOYERS: Bill Cosby did that with hisSHELBY STEELE: Bill Cosby did that.BILL MOYERS: Cliff Huxtable.SHELBY STEELE: Yeah.BILL MOYERS: Remember? TheSHELBY STEELE: But he made a big mistake, Bill Cosby.BILL MOYERS: What?
SHELBY STEELE: He finally in the last few years has one of the iron clad rules for bargainers is they can never tell you what they actually think and feel. They can never reveal their deep abiding convictions. Because the minute they do that, theyre no longer an empty projection screen. They become an individual. And whites begin to say, well, I didnt know you felt that way. I didnt know you believed that. And the aura dissipates. If Barack Obama starts to say, you know, I really think theres a value to racial preferences even though it conflicts with equality under the law, people are, you know, that thats a little too thats a little too revealing of who he might really be.BILL MOYERS: So youre saying he can not serve the aspirations of one race without antagonizing the other?SHELBY STEELE: Thats right. Thats right. Theyre two different agendas. And so his answer, this is the answer of all bargainers in a sense is to remain invisible as much as possible.BILL MOYERS: What do you mean invisible? Because hes all over television.SHELBY STEELE: Hes all over television. But if you listen to his speeches change, hope. I mean, its a kind of its an empty mantra. I mean a surprising degree of emptiness, of lack of specificity. What change? Change from what to what? What direction do you want to take the country? What do you mean by hope? Theres never any specificity there because specificity is dangerous to a bargainer.BILL MOYERS: But, to be a successful politician in a presidential campaign in particular you have to engage a larger public. Thats why so many politicians use ambiguity.SHELBY STEELE: In Obamas case, theres more ambiguity. We have a pretty good idea. I mean, Hillary Clinton does the same thing, uses ambiguity. But we still have a pretty good idea of who she really is and what she wants to do with the country and so forth. John Edwards has probably got the straightest, most concrete message of any of them. We really know who he is. But Obama is still more invisible. We dont quite we dont know what he would do.BILL MOYERS: You also say he has a nuanced view of whites. And that thats a problem for some blacks. I mean, why is it a problem to have a nuanced view of other people? I think thats what we all should have, right?SHELBY STEELE: Well, then, weve let whites off the hook. And you know, you want to make blacks angry, start letting whites off the hook. Start saying that theyre not all inherently racist. The fact that we can charge them with racism and have some degree of credibility is black power. And so, when somebody like Obama comes along, he is undermining the power of his own people in their eyes.BILL MOYERS: By?SHELBY STEELE: By having an open mind toward whites. By giving them the benefit of the doubt. By saying Im going to presume youre not racist. And Im going to treat you that way. Im going to believe in the better part of you. And so, he flatters whites in that sense. Boy, you know, Al Sharpton doesnt do that.BILL MOYERS: Jesse Jackson doesnt.SHELBY STEELE: Yeah. They say you are racist until you prove otherwise. Itts ironic. What Jesse and Al Sharpton do is make whites feel white. What Obama does is diffuse that. Is take the anxiety out of being white.BILL MOYERS: Whats the predicament he faces in particular in South Carolina which is the first primary where a huge number of African Americans will be participating? What do you see unique to his challenge there?SHELBY STEELE: Well, you know, up until Iowa, he had a very hard time there. And a lot of the black leadership was apart and torn. Always with bargainers, in order to win over blacks, they have to first of all win over whites, to the point where they seem to have real power. Then blacks will come over to them. So if in South Carolina there is the perception that Barack Obama is now a real candidate with a real chance to become the President of the United States, hell pull over the black vote. New Hampshire probably hurt him with the black vote.BILL MOYERS: Why?SHELBY STEELE: Because whites voted for Hillary Clinton rather than him. And so, blacks say, Uh-huh, he cant make it. So, he will he has to win the white vote. He has to seem to be in command of that in order to get full support from blacks.BILL MOYERS: And yet, the contradiction is you say that to reach the white vote, he has to do things that antagonize some blacks.SHELBY STEELE: Almost everything he does with this love affair he has with white America makes him very in black America, it puts them on guard.BILL MOYERS: You point out that the first thing that Barack Obama usually tells you about himself is that he was born to a white mother and a black father. Isnt that part of his political appeal, is that he transcends both black and white?SHELBY STEELE: The fact that he has a white mother tells white Americans, signals to white Americans, that he has to give them the benefit of the doubt. That he cant think of white paint white Americans with a broad brush.BILL MOYERS: He knows oneSHELBY STEELE: As racist. He knows in the most intimate way that not all whites are racist. That i you have to go individual by individual. Well, instinctively white Americans perceive that in him and feel comfortable, feel more comfortable with him.BILL MOYERS: And yet, at the same time, its not all together positive, is it?SHELBY STEELE: I share that background with him.BILL MOYERS: You had a white mother.SHELBY STEELE: I had a white mother and a black father as well. And Im older than him. Grew up in segregation and probably had a different certainly had a different experience than he did. But coming of age as he did in the Seventies and Eighties and so forth when this black identity, this challenging identity was so intenseBILL MOYERS: Black power, right?SHELBY STEELE: Black power. Heres a kid being raised in an apartment in Hawaii by a white mother and two white grandparents with no connection either to his father as a father or to a racial identity. And you know, one of the themes I think that comes out of his first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, is almost an obsession with establishing himself as an authentic black. Of the feeling of achieving a sense of belonging. And I empathize with that. I went through a bit of that myself.BILL MOYERS: You say that children of interracial unions often live under a degree of suspicion.SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: Why?SHELBY STEELE: Because people know that you I can remember in the Sixties, well, your mother was white? Your mother was the enemy.BILL MOYERS: And you were collaborating with the enemy.SHELBY STEELE: And so, you were collaborating. By birth, you were collaborating. You were at the very least, it was this sense of there was a sense, youre going to have to prove yourself a little more than the rest of us.BILL MOYERS: Was there a moment you claimed blackness as your identity? That you definitively made that choice?SHELBY STEELE: Well, and this is I think a difference in my case than Obamas, in segregation, you didnt get the choice. It was the one drop rule that applied. One drop of black blood and youre black. That was the rule. Thats what kept the wall between whites and blacks was this one drop rule. So I was raised with absolutely no ambiguity about that.BILL MOYERS: Where?SHELBY STEELE: On the south side of Chicago.BILL MOYERS: Where Obama eventually became an organizer.SHELBY STEELE: Yeah. Thats right.BILL MOYERS: And he was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia.SHELBY STEELE: Right.BILL MOYERS: Because his mother moved there. And you think that environment made a different choice for him.SHELBY STEELE: Yes. It intensified it probably gave him a much more intense need to belong than I had. On the other hand, that background accounts for this fine successful highly educated polished young man that we see running for President today.BILL MOYERS: You know, Ive read that and it was very powerful. When describes four thirty in the morning. Hes just a child. His mother gets him out of bed out there in Hawaii or in Indonesia. And she makes him study. She makes him read.SHELBY STEELE: She made him who he was. Thats right.BILL MOYERS: His biography seems to be his platform.SHELBY STEELE: But then, he turns around and says that maybe things are so desperate for blacks that they dont need this model. That they can rely on black nationalism and blackness. Maybe it will give them, he uses the word an insularity out of which they can feel proud.Well, which is it? Is it your mama or is it Black Nationalism whos responsible for you being here? I want to know. I want I want you to I want you to what evidence do you have that Black Nationalism works? You know that what your mother did works. Why dont you give her credit? Why dont you build a politics out of that?BILL MOYERS: But that seems to be me to be circumstance of birth a lot of people not born with a mother like that or a father.SHELBY STEELE: Thats yeah. But that doesnt mean it doesnt that thats not something that we ought to all be pressing for and asking for from all groups. Particularly groups like blacks in the inner city. If you dont have a mother that does that, you dont have a father at all, what can schools do later on to overcome that?BILL MOYERS: Who did it for you?SHELBY STEELE: My mother and my father. Period. I went to wretched segregated schools that were abusive. And then, I saw something else. I saw my mother organize that little community and shut that school down. And boycott that school. So, I saw collective action, too. Collective action theres a place for it. It can work. And they made it a better school. So, Im here solely because of my mother and my father.BILL MOYERS: What would have happened if you had rejected blackness in the way he has?SHELBY STEELE: In the way he has?BILL MOYERS: Yeah. I mean, in a sense, hes rejected it. You describe what whites see in him.SHELBY STEELE: Yes. He has in a sense, youre absolutely right. In a sense, bargainers do that. Bargainers do business with whites. And they dont do business with usually with challengers. Barack Obama is the first black America to bring bargaining into the political arena. Barack Obama is saying, Im going to give you the Im going to treat you as though youre not a racist. And Im going to simply ask you to treat me as though Im not black. Treat me as just-as an individual. Well, its a nice bargain. But boy, does it make blacks nervous. Our blackness is our power. We think. I dont think it is. But we have the thats the delusion I think.BILL MOYERS: What do you think is your power?SHELBY STEELE: I think our power is the same as it is for anybody, any other group the collective energies, imagination of the individuals within the group. Were no better than what our individuals achieve. Identity should be the result of effort and achievement. Its not an agent. Its not going to bring you there.BILL MOYERS: But you cant escape a part of your identity because it is about, as you say, blood and color. You cant escape that.SHELBY STEELE: You cant escape it. And I certainly dont want to escape it. I, you know, I am black and happy to be so. But my identity is not my master. Im my master. And I resent this, you know, civil rights leadership telling me what I should think and what issues I should support this way or that way. And thats where in black America, identity has become almost totalitarian.BILL MOYERS: Totalitarian?SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: Thats very strong word.SHELBY STEELE: It is. It is.BILL MOYERS: What do you mean?SHELBY STEELE: That you subscribe to the idea that the essence of blackness is grounded in grievance. And if you vary from that, you are letting whites off the hook. And were going to call you a sell out. Were going to call you an Uncle Tom.BILL MOYERS: At the same time you write, when someone tells you youre not really black, you hear their words as a little murder.SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: What are they killing in you?SHELBY STEELE: Theyre taking away something that is sacred to me which is that Im proud of being I look at the history of my people. And coming from that kind of oppression, its glorious. I mean, look at the just in the last century, weve created a literature that is on par with the literature of many nations. We transformed music all over the world. This, from this relatively small group of truly oppressed people. So, that Im proud of that. And you get a little sense of superiority.BILL MOYERS: Well deserved I think.SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: So how is it that to be, as you say, a quote true black involves, and Im quoting you, a slight corruption, a little habit of betrayal.SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: Explain that to me so that I can understand how you feel about it.SHELBY STEELE: If in order to be black, if Im going to fit myself into the current identity, Im going to have to betray impulses, desires, certain aspirations in myself as an individual in order to squeeze myself into this identity which is, again, grounded in grievance. Maybe I as an individual dont believe thats the biggest problem that I face. But Ive got to pretend that its the biggest problem I face in order to stay inside the group. Stay inside the church as we say. And Im going to be a back slider if I start to say grievance is really not the central thing.BILL MOYERS: You say in the book that to be black means you have to wear a mask.SHELBY STEELE: Absolutely. Absolutely.BILL MOYERS: Do you wear a mask?SHELBY STEELE: All of this work that you see here came about because I dropped I got exhausted with the whole pressure to from whites and blacks to wear a mask.BILL MOYERS: What kind of mask? What kind of mask were you expected to wear?SHELBY STEELE: I was in academia. I was expected to be a challenger. You should be you should have a chip on your shoulder. You should be angry. If youre not, youre going to take the pressure off of this institution and well lose. So, that chip on your shoulder is our power as a minority group. Well, I just got completely fed up with that. And again, the self betrayal that it continued to force me into, I began to understand, it was going to be me or the group. And I was going to have a life or I was just going to be a kind of surrogate for blackness. And it was a very difficult I was scared to death.BILL MOYERS: Scared?SHELBY STEELE: Scared to death.BILL MOYERS: Of what?SHELBY STEELE: Because I knew the price that that one would pay for that.BILL MOYERS: And that price is?SHELBY STEELE: That price is that you I dont want to over dramatize this or seem to be playing the violin but you enter a kind of exile where the group identifies you as someone who is a threat. And part of being black is despising or having contempt for people like me. For people who refuse to wear the mask one way or the other.BILL MOYERS: I understand that in the context of the Sixties. Black Power, the Seventies, and in the Eighties with the Reagan Revolution and anyone like you who supported the Reagans, the conservative movement in this country were called Uncle Toms. I can understand. But today, it seems to me, and I may be naive about this, but it seems to me that with Obama, that Obama is the result of a transformation in race in this country.SHELBY STEELE: I BILL MOYERS: So that youre no longer penalized for being a black conservative.SHELBY STEELE: Oh, boy.BILL MOYERS: Am I wrong?SHELBY STEELE: I think so. You know, its no accident that 92 percent of blacks vote Democratic in every Presidential election no matter what. The black identity is identified today with liberal politics and the Democratic Party. If youre not a Democrat, youre not all together black.BILL MOYERS: Thats why you say for Obama, liberalism is blackness?SHELBY STEELE: Yes. Because liberalism is what he has to offer blacks its what he has to offer them and say see I still believe in challenging. And hes, you know, he talks in the rhetoric of the civil rights movement and does a pretty good imitation of Dr. King often. As hes putting on his challenging mask in order to capture the affection of black America. He has to be very has to touch that very lightly or white America will say we like you precisely because you dont do that. You dont challenge. And so, he has to touch it very lightly.Ive had whites come up to me and say, I dont know if you ever have any contact with Obama. But I saw him in the paper the other day with Al Sharpton. He shouldnt do that. They didnt consciously know why they were saying that. But I hes a challenger. Barack Obama is the anti Al Sharpton. Al Sharpton is probably his best ally among whites.BILL MOYERS: Because they when they see Sharpton, they think Obama is a great relief.SHELBY STEELE: Thats right.BILL MOYERS: A breath of fresh air.SHELBY STEELE: He relieves the anxiety of being white. Thats what Obama does. And thats why hes he has so much affection.BILL MOYERS: I know so many white politicians who have made their way by accommodation, to corporate contributions, to wealth, to the constituency.SHELBY STEELE: Its the very nature its the very nature of politics, which may be why Obama is such a good politician.BILL MOYERS: And you say hes not a revolutionary. Hes not a reformer. And when I read that in A BOUND MAN, I thought, yeah, hes a politician.SHELBY STEELE: Look at his background. He felt he didnt belong. He had to accommodate on the black side. Yet, he knew whites, he had he knew very well how to in a sense manipulate whites. He knew them better than he knew blacks in many ways. So and that became a kind of talent. This bargaining became a talent.BILL MOYERS: He does have a talent for politics.SHELBY STEELE: And he understands white people. He understands them. What he says in his when he was a teenager, he realized that one things whites love is a black whos not angry. So, he knew that when he was a kid.BILL MOYERS: And you write that, the black identity Obama longs for means that you must join a politics that keeps alive the idea of white obligation to blacks. You think thats Obamas mission, to keep alive the white obligation to blacks?SHELBY STEELE: I think that thats what he tells blacks. I think that when he speaks as he did in Selma, as he did in Harlem not too long ago, he puts on the challengers mask. AndBILL MOYERS: He also, and when he spoke at Selma, I remember seeing that on television, he used that inflection of the southern-SHELBY STEELE: Yes, he did.BILL MOYERS: Of the southern dialect that you dont hear in the rest of his speeches.SHELBY STEELE: Thats right.BILL MOYERS: Hillary Clinton did the same thing by the way. She tried to.SHELBY STEELE: Yeah, she was it was not pleasant to listen to. Sometimes, Barack Obama is John F. Kennedy. Sometimes, hes Martin Luther King. Sometimes, hes Stokely Carmichael in 1968. He has these different masks that are tailored to the audience that hes in front of. And he does it with such facility that you, one, can not help but wonder whos the real whats his voice? Whats his inflection?BILL MOYERS: What do you see ten years from now with race relations in this country? Are e we going to deepen the American dream?SHELBY STEELE: I think so. I think that these paradigms Im talking about exhaust themselves. We just get tired of them. We begin to see through them. If I could see whats the difference between bargaining and challenging, its only because its so vivid. Weve done it so long that were it has a familiarity, a recognizability. And so, I think at some point we do become exhausted. But weve played this game so long. And masking is something that comes inevitably to minority groups who use it to survive. It was a survival mechanism in slavery and segregation. And were still using it. Were still entering the mainstream using it. We will get tired of that. Our children will and their children will get will be even more tired of it. And will understand I think that the challenge of the collective is to produce individuals.BILL MOYERS: I understand that. You know, Im tired of asking black people questions about race.SHELBY STEELE: Yes.BILL MOYERS: Id like to know what you think about Schwarzenegger.SHELBY STEELE: Thats a good sign.BILL MOYERS: Id like to know what you think about economics. Id like to know what you think about money and politics.SHELBY STEELE: Yeah.BILL MOYERS: I dont want to just know what you think about being black orSHELBY STEELE: Thats right. And I want to talk about those things, too.BILL MOYERS: But arent we being naive in a culture that is still racially divided that race is always on the table, but its also under the table?SHELBY STEELE: Yes. Yes. We are its still plagues us. And again, I think Obama was an opportunity to look at some of the forces that I would love nothing more, I dont care what his politics end up being, liberal or conservative. I would love nothing more than to see him break through and into, this is my experience. These are my values. I know these work because they worked in my life. They are responsible for me being here where I am today.BILL MOYERS: The book is A BOUND MAN. Shelby Steele, thank you very much for being on THE JOURNAL.SHELBY STEELE: Well, thank you very much for having me. I enjoyed it.BILL MOYERS: I did too. BARACK OBAMA: We always knew our climb would be steep. But in record numbers, you came out and spoke up for change. And with your voices and your votes, you made it clear that at this moment in this election there is something happening in America.BILL MOYERS: Thats it for the JOURNAL. Im Bill Moyers.