What is rate of coagulation of naturally occurring colloids

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What is rate of coagulation of naturally occurring colloids

Q1. The desert tobacco tolerance for nicotine-spiked nectar N. attenuata lures hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri) with appears less risky. Yet, how might out sweet nectar flavours but sends them away with nicotine. This crossing–when a flower is fertilized strategy allows them to both attract pollinators and effectively by pollen from a different plant–remove their pollen between plants. Efit a plant that can pollinate itself as in N. attenuata?

Q2. What is the rate of coagulation of naturally occurring colloids (under various pH and I scenarios)? How may the size spectrum of agglomerates change over time? How quickly do colloidal aggregates settle? How far might they travel? How might the composition of colloidal aggregates in sediments vary as a function of distance? Y in what sequence might various colloids with different stability constants settle out (how wide is the transition zone)?