What is Fair and Just in the Distribution of the Costs and Rewards of an Economic System?

Aircraft Maintenance
July 29, 2020
Evaluate on how creative and practical the idea ofdoable eventis.
July 29, 2020

What is Fair and Just in the Distribution of the Costs and Rewards of an Economic System?

Relevant questions to think about as you form your analysis include: What is fair and just in the distribution of the costs and rewards of an economic system? What different principles of distribution can be used, and what are the consequences of each different scheme or principle? Should some versions of laissezfaire be adopted, or should communitarian/socialist scheme be used? DO not ansswer these questions in the LAs, they are just food for thought; answer only the questios below, please. (Helpful principles to discuss, Utilitarianism, John Rawls Theory of Justice, Robert Noziacks libertarianism, Adam Smiths invisible hand, Marxist (secular) or Christian, Jewish , Islamic socialism)