What are the managerial implications of levels of work-life balance in the education industry in Hong Kong?

history of latin america
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020

What are the managerial implications of levels of work-life balance in the education industry in Hong Kong?

Order Description

Research Proposal

1. Prepare a handout with title, real world problem that needs to be researched (one paragraph) and explanation of the contribution of your research (one paragraph).

This handout needs to be maximum two pages.
2. Prepare a maximum two page summary of your literature review ending with your proposed research question/s and hypotheses, if applicable.
3. Prepare a maximum one page summary of your research design and methods.

For details, please refer to the attached instructions. The research question and hypothesis are suggested in the attached document. But after the literature review,

the researcher can modify the research question and hypothesis, if necessary.