What are the key arguments supporting a ‘best practice/best fit’ approach to strategic HRM

Houston Dialysis Center
March 27, 2020
Howard Zinn. A people’s History of the United States: 1492- Present
March 27, 2020

What are the key arguments supporting a ‘best practice/best fit’ approach to strategic HRM

What are the key arguments supporting a ‘best practice/best fit’ approach to strategic HRM

Answer this four-part question as one essay of approximately 1500-2000 words. Draw on the textbook readings, the Study Guide commentary, your own experience, and other resources as appropriate. Use the APA style to list and cite any sources you use.


  • l What are the key arguments supporting a ‘best practice/best fit’ approach to strategic HRM?
  • l How does this approach impact HR professionals?
  • l How can ‘best practice/best fit’ be married to different organizations such as a worker co-operative, or to the operation of a public service such as a hospital or school, or a community or non-governmental not-for-profit organization?
  • l How can such an approach to strategic HRM meet ethical and sustainable global corporate obligations?