What are the indicators of exceptionality a classroom teacher should look for when a student also has a language barrier?

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What are the indicators of exceptionality a classroom teacher should look for when a student also has a language barrier?

Order DescriptionInterview an ELL, ESL, or ELD instructor from a Title I school about how assessment is used for placement. Inquire also about how placement is determined for both special education and gifted ELLs.Your questions might include (but should not be limited to) the following:
1. What are the indicators of exceptionality a classroom teacher should look for when a student also has a language barrier?
2. How can informal as well as formal assessment results factor into placement?
3. What role do parents and teachers have in placement?
4. What are some primary factors that are exhibited in underachievement that may not necessarily signal special education needs?
5. How are changes among individual ELL proficiency levels over the course of the school year accounted for?
6. How are diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments integrated for ELLs in mainstream classrooms?
7. What are the benefits of the SIOP protocol for native English speakers as well as those for whom English is an additional language?You are required to consolidate your findings in a 550- word written presentation to inform your colleagues about the assessment and placement process.Describe the content and use of the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) in guiding ELL instruction. Compare the use of the AZELLA to the process in your state of Nevada. How do AZELLA score reports facilitate achievement among ELLs? How does the process in Nevada facilitate achievement among ELLs?While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
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