what are the Effect of Fraud in Small Business Contracting

xxy chromosome
May 11, 2020
Is Free Trade Passé, Paul Krugman
May 12, 2020

what are the Effect of Fraud in Small Business Contracting

what are the Effect of Fraud in Small Business Contracting

Introduction:  Fraud in small business contracting has been on the rise. Legislators are trying to improve the laws and federal government is trying to enforce them. Federal guidelines state that each year a percentage of government contracts are to be awarded to small businesses, however because of loopholes and fraud some contracts or subcontracts never make it to the small businesses. This could affect small business entrepreneurs trying to build their business.

I.  Legislation
A.  Identify Causes
B.  Passing Laws
II. Guidelines
A.  Enforcing Laws
B.  SBA monitoring
III. Recommendations
A. Resolutions
IV. Conclusion