Managerial Economics
June 10, 2020
Comparison Matrix Paper: Doctoral Identity
June 10, 2020

Western Religon Essay

Order Description

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the three great western religions. Jews, Christians, and Muslims each worship a single god and consider themselves to be descendants of Abraham. Beyond these two elements, what other features are common to these religions? What are the most significant differences between them? Please write an essay (800-1200 words) in which you compare and contrast the three major Western religions.

This is not a research essay per se. You are not required to make use of any resources outside of the text we have been reading in class. (HUSTON SMITH ” The World’s Religions.) Any quotes you draw from our text should cite the page number(s), for example : Judaism is…” (smith, p.323). Other than that imagine you are writing for an interested friend of yours-try to explain these religions, how they compare and contrast, as clearly and intelligibly as you can.