Website Analysis Opinion Essay

May 9, 2020
Nosocomial Infections
May 9, 2020

Website Analysis Opinion Essay

Website Analysis Opinion Essay
Paper instructions:i
I need a rough draft by Feb 17th at 11:00 pm. The final draft is not due until Feb 21


Length: Approximately 1000-1200 words
Choose ONE of the following authors/works and find a website that contains this author and his/herwork listed below. You will be evaluating the site you choose.

John Keats’s The Human Seasons

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Haunted Palace

Plato, from The Republic

Edgar Allan Poe’s Silence

Kahlil Gibran’s Among the Hills. . .

William Wordsworth’s Expostulation and Reply

William Blake’s Love’s Secret

John Donne’s The Flea

John Donne’s Holy Sonnet 10€³

Oscar Wilde’s Canzonet

Alfred Lord Tennyson’s Ulysses

John Keats’s Ode on a Grecian Urn

Mark Twain’s The Art of Inhumation

Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s A Sunset

George Gordon, Lord Byron’s When we two parted


Introduction: Write a brief introductory paragraph in which you identify the type of web page you’re evaluating and including a thesis statement (i.e., I found this web page effective because€¦.). Your thesis statement must be easily identifiable, and you MUST take a stand €” this means that you must give the web page either a favorable or an unfavorable review. Make this as clear as you can.

Body: Critique the web page. What elements work? What elements are annoying and/or unsatisfactory. This is YOUR opinion, of course.

Conclusion: Your essay must have a clear conclusion, with a restatement (a rephrasing) of your thesis.