Website analysis;
Website analysis; automotive industry for five companies Holden Australia, Toyota Australia, Honda Australia, Suzuki Australia and Mitsubishi Australia.
Question of report will talk about motivation industry for five companies Holden Australia, Toyota Australia, Honda Australia, Suzuki Australia and Mitsubishi Australia.
Industries Websites:
compare the websites of your chosen company with others in their field from Australia and abroad.
(.com,, different spellings)
Clearly defined and researched all options considered?
Search engine position
(first, sponsored)
Clearly presented?
(situation analysis- uncontrollable environment- internet adoption by customers, suppliers, technological developments, trends, competitive situation. Info from ABS, AGIMO, Gartner, Jupiter, Forrester, Gartner, KPMG, Ernst and Young. PWC, BCG, Nielsen Netratings ,Hitwise, etc) about how customers, suppliers are using the Internet in the industry sector).
This is an important aspect of your report!
How well has secondary research of the sites listed been conducted to determine what makes the industry sector tick?
(site layout, design and navigation, site map, search- how executed, how good are the results)
Show the relevant issues
-Content (use of text, pictures, sound, video)
What has been used?
-Corporate ID and Design
(Does the company carry the design through the whole site? Across countries?)
Is it consistent?
(how does it comply with users expectation e.g. Menu choices, search, sitemap)
Comparison with what other sites do.
Customer focussed
(different websites for different groups e.g. current students, future students, current customers, new customers , investors, etc, media: special section for the press, press releases, archive, as reported in the press) What are possible target markets how are they addressed ?
(the way the site enables user to user communication)
How is social networking used? How well is the site represented in terms of blogging and on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Youtube, Foursquare, Instagrametc?
Is there a community, how active? What type of community
(site’s ability to allow users to personalise the site or adapt itself to different users)
How well does the site adapt itself to customer needs?
(how the site enables site to user , user to site and 2 way communication, newsletter, subscription, RSS feeds, Email browser default or custom form) is social networking, Blogging, Twitter used?
How well are the various elements researched and presented?
(how the site links to other sites)
List of links, comments on links
(how the site enables transactions- and how the site generates income e.g. subscription, membership, sale of products either from the site or linked to intermediaries
Description of activities, documentation of commercial transactions, trial
(integration with other media e.g. Mobile, RSS feeds)
Description and documentation
-Cross promotion
(of products and services by associated companies)
Use of viral marketing
What products, how?
(with disability (W3) and Privacy legislation)
Detailed analysis of W3, examples
(up to date information)
Date stamps, other evidence of time relevance
(history of company, mission statement organisational structure, names and details of CEO and managers, address, maps, link to suppliers, dealers, intermediaries, current and future employees)
Detailed list and comparison of the various elements.
-Corporate responsibility
(Citizenship, membership of Global Compass, GRI, Sustainability etc, nature of reports.
Where, how, to what extent, comparisons
-Investor relations
(share price, annual report, links to regulators, analysts, comparisons with industry sector).
How well are the elements analysed?
-The marketing mix
(Products, beta, merchandising, services, downloads), Price ( clearly displayed, add-ons, delivery), distribution ( links to dealers and intermediaries, service centres, branches), promotion ( sales promotion specials, contests, public relations, testimonials, experts, advertisements of the company and others, trade fairs, conference attendance and conventions)
How well are the elements analysed and described?
Are apps available?
Is site accessible via mobile phone
(how long does it take to get to specific information)
List of major clicks.
-Other by looking through the sites you will identify new categories not listed above
How have new categories been identified, what effort was made?
Q codes, etc.
-Scoring scheme
How well developed is the analysis tool used?
-Research, referencing
-Exploration of other ranking, rating, benchmarking and scoring schemes. How well is the information referenced,
How much research was done, what quality is the research ( various sources, use of reports etc.)
-Presentation of report
Written clarity,
Oral presentation Clarity of slides, referencing, team work