write an individual report analyzing the current situation and then outlining a suggested marketing strategy for one of the following organizations, t
March 14, 2020
Photojournalist for a Day
March 14, 2020



Having completed an initial reading of the entire text of Jonah in the preferred translation of choice;
and having explored some basic background data on translations and versions of Holy Scripture, now
investigate other standard committee translations for comparison and contrast with the personally
preferred version of the holy text.

Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
Survey configuration of the Protestant Canon of Scripture
Make comparisons of Standard Committee Translations
Internet access
Student may have personal copies of other standard committee translations that may be used.
Library resources are acceptable. Otherwise, reinforcement of web-based resources is encouraged in
this web search activity.
1. Identify the primary/preferred translation, and seek a substantive website regarding the history of
the preferred translation. Notes are to be taken on the history of the translation and will be
incorporated into the forum post (see below).
2. Next, seek at least one substantive web site regarding other renderings of the biblical text (which
differ from the preferred translation). identify at least one other English translation for this assignment.
3. Read the Book of Jonah again, as a whole, in another translation; translation must be different from the initial read.
4. Take detailed notes on findings that emerge which denote similarities and differences between the two renderings/translations.
5. Identify the following:
a. identification of initial translation read
b. identification of second translation read
c. copy and paste of the weblink (url) to this translation (which differs from the initial
version read)
d. any brief comments on similarities and/or differences between the two versions read
e. briefly explore the history of preferred translation and include comments