Discuss from the exercise undertaken in class in Week 4 – entitled ‘Ways of Knowing’. In this final essay you are required to look at what have classically been termed scientific and ‘alternative’ or ‘folk’ ways on knowing. By examining these as classificatory modes we can examine notions of innocent and oppressive ways of knowing. We can also begin to question what we know and why this has come to be normalised.
For this final essay you will choose a species of indigenous Australian flora OR fauna and document what is known about the species from two key perspectives – namely Western science and Indigenous knowledge and Indigenous science. HOWEVER…this is not merely an exercise in describing the information you find and which is available on this species. Rather, you are also required to engage with the critical and epistemological/ontological and axiological differences that inform the knowledge you are able to find. This feeds into a broader discussion on ways of knowing.
Given the information you find you are expected to academically reflect on
• What information is available? Briefly recount what you have found.
• How are they different or similar?
• What does this reveal about ways of knowing? Epistemology? Ontology? And Axiology?
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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions