In the field of wastewater treatment, leachate treatment is one of the most complex tasks. It is next to the landfill gas treatment, which is consideredan important parameter for economical landfill operation. Wastewater of landfills has an extreme variation of components. , the above aspects have to be considered in the refitting or designs of a new treatment plant.
Some of these issues that the engineer will have to take into consideration while designing the pump capacity and piping system include. Sedimentation, which involves solid material buildup in pipes. Drain layers or filter layers, also siltation, or soil clogging. Biological growth, which involves pipes having a build up of biological materials, filter layer or drain layer. Chemical precipitation, which involves the pipes having chemical materials buildup in the filter or drainage layer mainly due to chemical reaction. Biochemical precipitation, which involves build up of chemical and biological or chemical material in the pipe, drain or filter layer mainly due to biological activities.
Pipe breakage, that involves collapse of the pipe mainly due to equipment loading or overburden, which allows entrance of surrounding material. Pipe separation, which involves two adjacent parts of the pipe are pulled apart mainly due to problems with the joints or overburden of equipment loading. Pipe deterioration, which involves the pipe material being destroyed or weakened due to corrosion, chemical attack or oxidation causing failure as with the above-described pipe breakage.Other non-clogging challenges, involving failure of system components such as tanks, pumps, or exceeding system or component design capacity