war between France and Great Britain

Experential Exercises
March 11, 2020
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March 11, 2020

war between France and Great Britain

war between France and Great Britain

Paper instructions:
By the late eighteenth century, the international rivalry between France and Great Britain dominated European politics and erupted in the contentious Seven Years’ War. In three or four paragraphs, compare and contrast developments in France and Great Britain in either the political or the economic spheres between the mid-seventeenth through late eighteenth centuries. How did the different paths taken by these countries contribute to Britain’s eventual triumph as the leading imperial power of the nineteenth century?

Your answer should include citations to at least three of the boxed texts, charts, maps, illustrations or Internet primary sources from this week’s readings.

Primary Sources:

There are seven primary sources found in Chambers. These include “Louis XIV on Kingship” (p. 483), “Locke on the Origins of Government” (p. 506), and “Maria Theresa in a Vehement Mood” (p. 510) in Chapter Seventeen; and “Laissez-Faire Ideology” (p. 521), “Richard Arkwright’s Achievement” (p. 523), “The Condition of the Serfs in Russia” (p. 527), and “A British Defense of Slavery and the Plantation Economy” (p. 533) in Chapter Eighteen.
In addition, you have the following web sources to read: “English Bill of Rights” (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1689billofrights.asp); “Domat on Louis XIV” (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1687domat.asp); “St. Simon on Louis XIV” (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/17stsimon.asp); “Smith-The Wealth of Nations” (public.wsu.edu/~brians/world_civ/worldcivreader/world_civ_reader_2/adam_smith.html); “The Division of Poland” (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1795Poland-division.asp). Please read them carefully in light of the background information provided by Chambers and be prepared to discuss some of them in this week’s second discussion topic.