Topic: MSc Networks-HTTP Service Migration Using OpenFlow-Based Network
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020

Visual aid

Visual aid

create a visual aid, can you use charts, graphs, diagram, maps, tables, photographs.
The Key need to be visual construct and need to use this sources for the visual aid. Copy and paste don’t work, I did it and the professor sent back to me.
This the sources will be use:

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Childhood Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved from

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Overweight and Obesity, Health Consequences. Retrieved from

This task has two different parts.
So the first pages is the visual aid a the second page is the visual aid rationale: here are the instruction and example for it,

Visual Aid Script

Your visual aid script will help you integrate your visual aid into your presentation smoothly. The script should be a paragraph that describes your visual aid. Here is a list of components the visual aid script needs to have:

A one-sentence introduction explaining what the visual represents and why it is relevant
Audiences like smooth transitions, and they like to be told exactly why they are being shown a visual. So be sure that your visual aid script introduces the visual aid in a way that explains why it is relevant to your presentation.

The source of your data with an APA-formatted citation
Your audience members will want to know where the information came from so that they can judge whether it is reliable or not. You will need to cite the source verbally, providing the most important information (the author and date) in your presentation. You will also need an APA-formatted in-text citation in the visual aid script paragraph and a references list citation on your reference page.

A summary of the data and a discussion of the most important points
The visual aid will most likely present evidence for a major point(s) of your presentation. In the visual aid script, you mention the gist of the visual aid. What is the main thing your audience needs to know about the data? Are there any numbers or pieces of information that are more important than others?

A transition from talking about your visual aid to talking about what it means for your presentation
Your conclusion should tell the audience why the information matters.


If you are providing evidence that shows how the adoption of broadband Internet service has increased in traditionally unwired households over the past ten years, you might introduce your visual aid in this way:


Visual Aid Script

There is ample evidence that broadband adoption is increasing quickly across many populations. John B. Horrigan, associate director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, provides us some interesting data, which I have converted into a bar graph. My visual aid shows the change in usage rates for several demographic groups between May, 2008 and April, 2009. As you can see, Horrigan (2009) documents that there were great increases in the use of broadband in the demographic groups of senior citizens, low-income Americans, high-school graduates, older baby boomers, and rural Americans. It’s particularly interesting that senior citizens are on this list–their use increased from 19% in 2008 to 30% in 2009. Though we think of senior citizens as being afraid of new technology, these numbers show that our parents and grandparents are not afraid anymore (Horrigan, 2009).

Now, the next part of my presentation will explain what caused some of these changes in the number of senior citizens online.

A sample reference for this source (that goes on the reference list) is below:



Horrigan, J. B. (2009, June 17). Home broadband adoption 2009. Retrieved from

Visual Aid Rationale

You will also need to submit an image of your visual aid and write a visual aid rationale that is different from your visual aid script. Your visual aid rationale should provide a narrative about your visual aid. You will want to explain why you chose to present the information in visual form, and explain how you will effectively use your visual aid in your presentation. You should also discuss how you created the visual aid. Finally, you should address how your visual aid supports your thesis statement and main points within the context of the presentation.

For example, you might explain why you used a bar chart rather than a pie chart. You should also explain what you did to highlight the most important information that you want the visual aid to convey. How did you choose the title for the visual aid? What software did you use to make the visual aid? How will this help demonstrate a key point in your presentation?

Remember that your visual aid rationale will need to include proper APA-formatted citations for the information you included.

Another examples for both:

View the Transcript

comparison of fossil fuels used in organic and conventional milk production

Comparison of Fossil Fuels Used in Organic and Conventional Milk Production

Organic farm systems studied in Sweden and Denmark used 29 – 35 percent less fossil fuels per liter of milk produced than conventional farm systems studied in the U.S. (Pimentel, 2006).

[In the graphic above, the data in the following table is represented as a bar graph.]


Production Method

Fossil Fuels Used

United States
Conventional 2000 kcal/L

Organic 1400 kcal/L

Organic 1300 kcal/L

Input-substitution method (Horizon Organics method) won’t make organic farming sustainable!

You will need to submit, along with your visual aid, a visual aid script and a visual aid rationale.
•The visual aid script is a written script of what you might say during your presentation as you work with your visual aid. You do not have to use this script during your presentation, but it is important that you have plan for incorporating the visual aid into your presentation smoothly rather than just pointing at it and hoping your audience understands what is important.
•In your rationale, you should explain why you chose the information you did for your visual aid, how you created the visual aid, and how the visual aid supports your thesis and main points. You should cite the sources that provided information used in the visual aid.


Visual Aid Script

This presentation will be about the effects of organic ideals on sustainable farming. In this chart by David Pimentel (2006), you can see a comparison of three farm systems and the efficiency of their fossil fuel use. The chart shows you how much fossil fuels were used per liter of milk in Sweden, Denmark, and the United States. The United States used a conventional rather than organic method to get milk. Conventional methods ship food from all over the country to the dairy farm, and they use unsustainable methods to keep cows producing milk. The organic method uses pasture to feed cows instead of corn feed. This chart shows that the organic methods of dairy production used by two farms systems in Sweden and Denmark use about 1500 Kcal/L of fossil fuels, compared to conventional methods in the U.S. that use 2000 kcal/L. The chart shows a 30% reduction in the use of fossil fuels in organic systems. Why is this interesting? Horizon—the company that controls over 70% of our nation’s organic milk—uses organic methods, right? Wrong—they use the input-substitution method to create milk. They don’t use pesticides or hormones, but they do have feedlots and use other unsustainable methods. Even if large organic companies produce food that is healthier for people, the environmental impact is often the same as that of conventional farms (Pimentel, 2006).