Literature essay: Lord of Files.
October 22, 2020
Reviewing and Improving Small Business Performance.
October 22, 2020


Intimate partner violence is violence exhibited in psychological, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. It has evolved into a health problem that can be prevented globally especially in America. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) can occur continually or at an instance, ranging from a single blow to a series of kicks, blows and punches for as many times as the violence lasts (NCIPC, 2002). IPV can occur among same-sex couples or heterosexuals and does not necessarily involve sexual matters.

A constant definition of IPV is essential in ensuring that preventive and intervention measures are directed to the right teething problems. A reliable, valid definition is also necessary as it helps to monitor and examine the developments and drifts of this type of violence over time (Saltzman, Fanslow, McMahon and Shelley, 2002).

Legal and ethical responsibilities are very important when dealing with, or reporting intimate partner violence including child and domestic violence. ‘Legal’ refers to the laws of the land and ethics refer to the natural morals, standards and principles of a person. (U.S. Department of Justice, 2003).

Confidentiality, for instance, is an excellent tool that is taken into account when reporting IPV. It saves a victim from low self-esteem and stigma. A victim’s information must be kept private. Failure to do so amounts to a breach of ethics and the law. Other rights that a person who has undergone any form of IPV is entitled to include; treatment with respect and dignity, good and hygienic care and be taught to present their case without fear or punishment.