Viking Article Report
Read the Nova interview with William Fitzhugh on the Vikings, found at: Analyze the interview and write a 2-3 page double-spaced report by following the steps below. The report must be typed in Times New Roman, 12-pt font.
Identify William Fitzhugh’s argument regarding the Vikings. How does he challenge traditional viewpoints? How does he characterize the Vikings and their actions?
Analyze the article’s content. How does Fitzhugh support his argument? What evidence does he give to demonstrate his opinion? Why did he have to be careful about the sources he consulted?
Classify the information in the article. What is the overall purpose and theme of the interview? How does the article use multiple disciplines (archaeology, cartography, literature and history) to discuss the Vikings?
Think critically about these questions and be thorough in your answers. Also, be sure to specifically reference ideas in the article to support your answers, but avoid overusing direct quotes. Most importantly, be sure to answer all of these questions!
This article report will also be graded for its writing proficiency. That means answers should have words that are properly spelled and sentences that follow the established conventions of English grammar and style.