Who’s Afraid of The Tempest?
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020



Label these Emotions using Myer’s perspective?s answer the following:

Is he angry with Justin?

Is he nervous about the exam?

On the other hand, is he just jittery from having too much caffeine in the last 24 hours?


After devouring breakfast in the school cafeteria, Alex heads toward the science building to take a final exam. He was up studying all night and had only two hours of fitful sleep, probably because he drank coffee and energy drinks all night to stay awake. At breakfast, Alex made sure to eat a well-balanced meal: plenty of eggs, mul?tigrain toast, and fruit topped with a dollop of yogurt. Thankfully, the cafeteria offers an unlimited supply of coffee, so Alex helped himself to two or three generous mugfuls of coffee, too, to make sure he doesn?t nod off during the final exam. Now, with his stomach happy and his mind full, Alex enters the classroom and sits at his desk. The professor begins to distribute the exams to the class and Alex picks up his pen in preparation. At that moment, Justin (half asleep) walks past Alex?s desk with his backpack swinging wildly from his arm. Justin?s pack whacks Alex along the side of his head, and Alex loses hold of his pen, which sails clear across the room. The professor glares at Alex (not Justin). After he retrieves his pen and composes himself at his desk (now with the exam in front of him), Alex finds that his hands are shaking, his stomach is in a knot, and he feels his tem?perature rising. He is distracted.