Using operations and service management literature, critically evaluate how accommodation can be managed to ensure customer satisfaction.

Using AIU’s survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the following requirements in the form of a report
March 31, 2020
Leslie Marmon Silko, Storyteller
March 31, 2020

Using operations and service management literature, critically evaluate how accommodation can be managed to ensure customer satisfaction.

Rate: £36

Hospitality and tourism ( Facilities management) Essay:

Using operations and service management literature, critically evaluate how accommodation can be managed to ensure customer satisfaction.

Sleeping accommodation means any hospitality or tourism space designed to allow customers to sleep. You may want to investigate topic areas such as customer satisfaction, tangible design, servicing (cleaning) and maintenance.

Your answers should at least partly be justified by the nature of the chosen hotel, for example, its star rating, location and target markets.
You are encouraged to incorporate and apply academic management models from recommended texts into your discussion.
We expect STRONG evidence of independent reading in particular a good range of contemporary journal material to be incorporated into your essay to support clear lines of argument so as to demonstrate an awareness of current industry and academic concept developments.
References MUST underpin lines of argument to make your discussion persuasive. They must also conform to the format described in the UCB referencing guide.
Clear reasoned conclusions, which sum up the key points, answer the question set and offer your final judgement are encouraged.