design brief stage Two consists of your initial designs, developed based on your research and analysis in Stage One. You will need to choose the tools that you feel are most suitable for your team, the problem you have defined, and the analysis you have completed about the people who will use your product. Explain this process and your choices in section 6. You will need to consider the structure and hierarchy of your solution: describe your structure and present your structural design in section 6.1. You need to develop your visual design: discuss your visual design choices and present your designs for look and feel in section 6.2. Finally, put your design work together in an initial prototype: describe your prototyping approach and present your prototypes in section 6.3. For Stage Two, you can use low fidelity prototypes (including paper based or whiteboard prototypes), and present these as photographs in your design brief.
This document is designed to provide information regarding the development of a user interface project, enhancing social networking abilities for Knowledge Flux. This project hopes to produce an original and innovative user interface for the Knowledge Flux. The project will require six months to complete so that the users can experience the complete benefits of the new service for the organization. The user interface will allow the users to access the history of messages. Interface design is easy to use as the user can simply scroll back through cached messages. Knowledge Flux is hoping o provide clients with a new interactive service to connect users socially. We hope to design a system optimized to allow users to interact and enhance communication services. It is important that the project deadline is adhered to as Knowledge Flux has announced the next step in their development process and it is an importance of company image to meet consumer expectations. The interface should be clean, professional and user friendly so users do not become dissatisfied with the service. Simple and effective will be the main focus of the development team. The
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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions