use of traffic light system to manage patient behavior during drug round within a low secure unit.

institutional and political conditions
May 30, 2020
Film Kill the Messenger
May 30, 2020

use of traffic light system to manage patient behavior during drug round within a low secure unit.

use of traffic light system to manage patient behavior during drug round within a low secure unit.

The following points should be considered by the writer when writing my essay.
Rationale and purpose:
Safely administer medicine.
Minimizing drug error and improving nurses’ competence.
Minimizing nurses drug error and NMC(Nursing & midwivery council) hearings.
Managing patients’ behaviour & safety.

Clarify your reasons and benefits:
Benefits patient outcome.
Meet requirements of CQC(Care quality commission).
Good practice for both nurses & patients.
Minimise drug errors in line with NMC standards.
Improve care standards.
The essay should also be divided into two parts namely; the literature review and implementation plan.
Literature review:
The literature overall used must be a mixture of published relevant studies as well as evidence gathered through use of the NHS outcomes framework and the NHS Quality Standards. The chosen review must reflect patient experience, patient safety or patient outcome project.
Examine both the supporting and contradicting evidence of the following;
Traffic light system/tools/equipment’s.
Drug administration standards/regulations.
Patients’ safety.
Drug errors €“ statistics from NMC.
Patient involvement.
Evidence of managing/preventing drug errors.
Nice guidelines(national institute of health & clinical excellence) & WHO(World health organistion).
Risk assessment and management.
Implementation Plan:
This must demonstrate the implementation of the plan for innovation. This is a project plan and needs to be in the style of a plan rather than a traditional essay.
Think carefully of all the stages you need to go through to put this plan in practice/get it off the ground.
How long will each stage take? Timeline.
Who should be involved? How you will involve people?.
Cost-who will pay for it? or where funding will come from? Equipment? Resources? Staffing? Etc.
Security, health and safety issues-Risk assessment & management.
What else would you require in terms of resources? How are you going to get it?.
How you will evaluate the effectiveness of your plan? What aspects would you include in your evaluation and why?