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Urban Studies

These assignments focus mainly on the readings and lecture materials throughout the semester. In order to receive full credit for assignments,your answers should be in paragraph format and address all parts of the question(s) assigned.Required Textbook
Steinbacher, Roberta and Virginia O. Benson. 2012. Introduction to Urban Studies. Fourth
edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing co.1. Choose a site of interest within the Cleveland area. This site can be a well-known area within the city (e.g. Public Square) or a few blockradius of historical consequence (the Hough neighborhood). It could even be a place of interest within your own hometown (e.g. town square inChagrin Falls). If you have no idea where to begin, start with an Internet search to give you some ideas. A few suggestions for great resourcesto explore Clevelands neighborhoods and history here: http://ech.cwru.edu http://www.clevelandmemory.org http://www.clevelandmemory.org/hlneo/http://www.positivelycleveland.com/visit/neighborhoods/2. Begin your investigation by locating information about your site from three different time periods: the 1800s, the 1900s, and since 2000.This may be possible in part online, and may require a visit to the CSU or Public library to access historic archived information. By comparingyour site at different times, you are likely to find that changes between some dates are more significant than other. Recorded the changes youthink are important or interesting material that you have found or to make the site a bit larger or smaller. The site you end up with shouldcontain approximately four to eight blocks.3. What changes do you find? How would you characterize them? Are the changes gradual or do they seem happen suddenly? Do changes within a timeperiod seem related? How about from one time to another? Can you find patterns in the changes? What might explain the changes you found? Werethey merely an outcome of actions by individuals or do they reflect broader forces (social, cultural, political, economic, or natural processesand conditions at local, regional, national, or global scales; policies; events; technological changes)? These changes can be to the developmentof the area, the architecture, land use, or can refer to significant historical events that took place there. Use what youve read in the firstfour chapters of the text to text, substantiate, or revise your thoughts. Cleveland State University UST 200 Introduction to Urban StudiesSpring 2016 24. Describe your findings, the causes you have identified, and your reasoning. Focus on what seems most significant and interesting; look forpatterns. Dont try to cover everything. This is an assignment that could occupy you for an entire Cleveland State University UST 200Introduction to Urban Studies Spring 2016 semester. The objective of the assignment is to give you a sense of how cities change over time, toprompt you to question why, and to search for answers.5. Be sure to start on this assignment right away! Give yourself plenty of time to research and find materials about your site. If you like youcan include copies of illustrations or maps used to analyze the changes on your site.6. Your final product should be at minimum 3-4 typewritten, double-spaced pages about your topic. Add a reference page as well.