The second assignment is to research and write about an urban design topic of your choice. The paper you prepare and submit should be in the order of 2,500 words in length and certainly no more than 2,800 words. For comparison, journal articles that you may come across in connection with this assignment, usually range between 4,500 and 10,000 words.
The essay is to be researched by reference to the academic literature in urban design and associated fields such as human geography, psychology, landscape architecture and architecture. There is no restriction on the topic of your essay however it will be important to manage the scope of your investigation to ensure that the topic can be adequately discussed within the word limits. In most circumstances a topic would be narrowly defined to enable depth of discussion. Ideally the topic would be one that could inform your work in Assignment One; the six-seven week overlap has been envisaged as a way of enabling this.
Students should refer to at least three books and three journal articles in the course of their research. All sources should be cited in a bibliography – which is not included in the word count –at the end of the paper. Students are restricted to citing no more than three internet sources in their bibliography, which would not include electronic books or journal articles viewed electronically. While books and journal articles are generally peer reviewed, which helps ensure accuracy and robustness of the information, there are few peer review regimes for the internet. Anyone can post any information they want and it is rarely checked for accuracy. Web based outlets for academic information is of course excluded from this gross generalisation!
The essay should be beautifully presented in hard and electronic formats. Your essays should be richly illustrated, where a picture can literally be worth several dozen words if not a thousand.
The aims include
This assignment in totalcounts 35% toward the overall course grade. This assignment will be completed by each individual and there is no group component to the work.
These will be published on Blackboard prior to submission. A grading rubric will be used to present how the assignment has been assessed and feedback. Some feedback may also be provided to students in the form of hand-written notes in the hard copy of the essay. This copy will be returned to students at the time the grades are released.
Issue essay [approx. word count2,500; max word count 2,800; excluding bibliography]
The final hand-in of Assignment Two is 19.00on 5 June 2015
Assignments received after that time will be marked late with appropriate penalties applied. Refer to the Course Outline document for more information.