After Reconstruction, the common memory developed that the Civil War broke the chains of slavery and freed African-Americans; and in 1868, they were granted all the rights and privileges associated with American citizenship. For the first part of the essay, analyze this common memory by analyzing the conditions and experiences (select at least three to use for your analysis) that blacks encountered during Jim Crow. Make sure you thoroughly demonstrate how these three conditions/experiences support/refute the common memory. For this part of the essay, you must use Out of Many, TTP, and Southern Horrors. For the second part of the essay, what responses (select at least three to use for your analysis) did African-Americans implement to confront the challenges they were experiencing? Remember, Wells addressed some of the responses that African-Americans implemented but there are other class resources which explore responses also. Make sure that you use Wells and the textbook for this part of the essay. For this part of the essay, you must cite Out of Many, Southern Horrors, and other appropriate class resources. A bibliography is required. Please remember, that you do not write how you “feel” in your papers. I am looking for critical thinking and evidence in your papers. Proofread your papers and have someone else proofread your work. It really does make a difference. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors will harm your grade. After the fifth egregious error you will lose ten percent of the points that you earned. GRADING CRITERIA: THESIS & INTRODUCTION – 25 POINTS Thesis clearly defined Clear introduction HISTORICAL TERMS – 15 POINTS Historical terms, concepts, and theories used appropriately Demonstrate a clear understanding of specific concepts and historical terminology Demonstrate a thorough reading of the work ARGUMENTS – 60 POINTS Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the material Ability to integrate all class materials Ability to use quotations to support arguments Plausible arguments, analysis, and interpretation Depth and completeness of arguments Demonstrate ability to critically think and analyze the material Addressed all aspects of the question EVIDENCE – 60 POINTS Specific evidence from Southern Horrors Demonstrate ability to critically analyze and integrate primary evidence Integration of other class material Proper footnotes Bibliography CONCLUSION – 15 POINTS Logically follows from the evidence and arguments presented