Comparative Corporate Governance Academic Essay
August 19, 2020
Health Care Academic Essay
August 19, 2020

unit 6, 7 Academic Essay

he company you work for has decided to make a major purchase. This purchase can be software, technology, equipment, training, or anything else needed for the company’s day-to-day operations.
Your supervisor has assigned you the task of creating a research proposal for the company to help guide them in this purchase.
Before you begin writing the proposal, do your research, gathering information from at least four different sources. Two of these sources should be located in the CSU Online Library. The remaining two sources can come from the CSU Online Library, or they can be websites, such as the website for the company that sells what you are purchasing.
In this unit, your goal is to begin the proposal. In the next unit, you will complete the proposal.
For this assignment, submit the first two pages of the proposal, which include the heading information and sections for the purpose and summary. These sections are covered in Chapter 11 of your textbook Practical strategies for technical communication (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s by Markel, M. You can use the example proposal on page 309 of your textbook to help you with the formatting of this assignment.
This assignment should be at least two pages in length plus a reference page.
Create the introduction, body, and closing for your research proposal that you began in Unit VI. Include research from the sources you located in the last unit to help you build an effective proposal. Organize the body of your proposal clearly so that readers can locate the essential information easily, including at least one visual. Use the sample proposal that begins on page 309 in your textbook as a guide for this assignment.
Submit the entire proposal in this unit, including the first two pages and the reference page you created in the last unit. Remember that your reference page should only include the sources that are cited within your proposal.
EH 3341, Technical Writing 4
Your research proposal should be a minimum of eight pages, including the work that you submitted in the previous unit.

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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions