Undetermined Religious Backstories within The Female American by Unca Eliza Winkfield

Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at the Constitutional Convention.
March 18, 2020
Implementing budget
March 18, 2020

Undetermined Religious Backstories within The Female American by Unca Eliza Winkfield

Undetermined Religious Backstories within The Female American by Unca Eliza Winkfield

Paper instructions:
Write a review of the article- Given the nature of the assignment, you will need to utilize the first person voice in places; however, you should maintain a professional tone that addresses an audience of scholarly peers (not an instructor as an assignment).  Organize the information you gathered from the questions above into a 4-5 page essay.  Your purpose is both to summarize and evaluate-

Summary:  be clear as to the purpose/ assumptions/ and evidence given in the article.  Make sure you identify how the author justifies the publication as adding to previous knowledge- what’s new and why is it important? From what previous work does the author build?

Evaluation: respond to the argument- not with a “This is as really good article” but with specifics as to how it can be useful (or not).  Critique any holes in the argument and places that are under-substantiated as well as places that you found strong. Include other sources mentioned that may be useful for further research-etc. What kind of project would this article be useful towards and why?

Finally-be sure to give proper citation to quotes as well as ideas put in your own words in parenthetical references and give a full MLA reference at the end of the paper.