Understanding Sociological Theory

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Understanding Sociological Theory

Understanding Sociological Theory

Order Description


Understanding Sociological Theory

Part A.

Research one of the following sociological theorists:

Ibn Khaldun,

Auguste Comte,

Harriet Martineau,

Alex de Tocqueville,

Karl Marx,

Herbert Spencer,

Geort Simmel,

Émile Durkheim,

Charlotte Perkins Gilman,

Max Weber,

George Herbert Mead,

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois,

Joseph A. Schumpeter,

Karl Mannheim,

Alfred Schutz,

Talcott Parsons,

Theodor W. Adorno.

Provide an outline of this person, comment on their background, their influences, and their major contribution to sociological theory.


This assignment requires you to select one of the major social theorists and understand their contribution to the discipline of Sociology. By identifying the work of a major sociologist, and relating their thoughts and theories to their life situation at that point (where they lived, what era and what were the major social issues at that time), you will be better informed to assess where you see yourself in society, how this shapes your thoughts and beliefs, and how you approach your professional practice based on your experience to date. You will gain an understanding the life experiences, and the time and environment that your chosen theorist lived through, will have shaped the development of their theory(s); we need to understand this as we view society through the particular ‘lens’ they created, does their theory remain true? How can it contribute to our understanding of society today?

The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists (Ritzer & Stepnisky, 2011), provides information on each of the listed theorists.

Stepnisky, J., & Ritzer, G. (2011). Classical Social Theorists. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Note, you should not constrain your research to just this one text.


Please note the following advice on assignment presentation:

Work must be written in appropriate English, presented in essay style, unless otherwise directed, and appropriate referencing used. The standard presentation of assignments is Times New Roman 12 point font that is double spaced. You should include a title page for each assignment that lists your name, student number, subject code and assignment number. You should also write out the assignment question in full on the title page.

You should use a margin of 2 cm on all sides and add a header or footer that includes your name, student number, subject code and assignment number (eg:1112233_Smith_EML102_Ass1).

All language used in assignments should be non-sexist. Try to avoid jargon. If you must use acronyms, then please explain them. Students must submit all of the required assigned work.

Appendices are not usually used, unless specifically requested in the assignment question or by arrangement with the Subject Coordinator. Where you do use an appendix it should be directly referenced in the appropriate place in the assignment.

We encourage you to use headings and sub headings for clarity and to help you stay on track. Lists of bullet and dot points should be avoided. Lists are very hard for the reader to absorb and do not display your understanding of the subject matter. It is important to get the balance right between the citing of referenced material and your own interpretations and ideas. When using your own thoughts and ideas you can give signals to the reader by using words and phrases such as ‘it can be argued that’, ‘it is clear that’, ‘it seems as though’, ‘it is evident that’ etc.

Most academic essays are written in the third person. However, writing in the first person is appropriate in those assignments when you are asked to reflect on your own teaching or experience. In such circumstances you are expected to make links between your experience and the available relevant literature. Please check with your Subject Coordinator if unsure about writing in the first person.