TV shows from the 50s and 60s.

strategy human resource- MNC
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

TV shows from the 50s and 60s.

Paper instructions:
TV shows from the 50s and 60s.
In order that you will have a greater understanding of our next unit, the cultural background of the 1950s and 1960s, you are to watch 2 TV shows from each of those 2 decades (total of 4 shows). They may be Westerns, talk shows, game shows, comedies, etc. As you watch them, please make note of how those shows differ from similar shows today in terms of the material of the shows such as1. story lines2. themes3. characters and how they are presented4. entertainment value5. cultural values they expressed6. audience to which they were geared7. anything else that occurs to you including fashions.If you watch something such as a Western that is not on TV today, still discuss the above.Format of the paper for each show:
1. Name of show and characters in the episode.
2. Summary of plot of episode.
3. Items listed above (1-7)
4. How the show compares to comparable show of today.