Tupumaros and Chilean Military

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March 19, 2020

Tupumaros and Chilean Military

The paper is based on 4 short documents im willing to assing to you. Two of them are from a Uruguayan leftist guerrilla group in the 1960’s and 1970’s, The Movement of National Liberation (MLN) Tupumaros. Please use this website as a source:

http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/uytoc.html and look especially at chapter 1, and The Historical Setting and the following sections: There is no Place Like Uruguay, Economic Crisis and Decline, and the Military Government.

The other two are from the military Junta that came into power in Chile 1n 1973 under the leadership of General Augusto Pinochet.

Please write a five double-spaced typed pages on the following questions:

Compare the Tupumaros of Uruguay and the Chilean military on terms of:

1) their interpretation of the political and economic situations of their countries-in Uruguay, by the time the Tupumaros were acting, and in Chile before the military took over
in 1973

2)- the use of history and violence to legitimize their action

If you can please use in-text citation system!

Thank you!