Treat with hydrogen peroxide

Solution-Did the leader overcome those issues
April 23, 2020
Solution-Write an essay on relation between genes and myopia
April 23, 2020

Treat with hydrogen peroxide

Question: Assume you have 5mL of cells you need to treat with Hydrogen Peroxide, such that the final concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide is 5uM. How much of a 10mM stock solution of Hydrogen Peroxide would you add to your cells?

Question: Locus A has two alleles (A and a) while locus B has two alleles (B and b). The recombination frequency between locus A and locus B is 11%. A F1 heterozygote in trans configuration is mated with an aabb individual. Which of the following correctly depict the parents of the F1 heterozygote? A)aB/aB x ab/ab    B) AB/AB x ab/ab        C) Ab/Ab x ab/ab   D)Ab/Ab x aB/aB