Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Susan

Relative Status of Minority Groups
June 19, 2020
June 20, 2020

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Susan

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Susan

Order Description

Hello all,

At the end of Week 7, your Signature Term Paper is due. Because Week 7 is the last week of the semester, and grades are due a short time after the end of the semester (which is Monday December 15 at 12:01 am), you MUST submit your paper via the dropbox by Sunday, December 14th at 11:59 pm CT.

Here are the instructions for the final paper (they are also available on the Week 7 Written Assignment page):

To demonstrate your ability to apply the Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Modules, along with core concepts and evidence based treatment approaches covered in this overall course, you will apply a framework incorporating an understanding of both individual and system factors to the case of Susan (download the case study from the Week 7 assignment page).

.Provide a trauma-informed assessment of your client. Be sure to highlight developmental and cultural factors that are salient to the assessment, and conceptualizing the etiology (cause) of Susan’s issues presented in the case study.
Identify the most immediate treatment issues for your client.
Describe efforts you have made to develop a treatment plan in collaboration with other systems involved in the child’s life.
Summarize the trauma focused treatment approach with the client. Be sure to address the following in your discussion:
Engagement & Stabilization
Building emotional regulation skills
Building cognitive process skills
Building meaning-making skills
5. What do you think are Susan’s specific psychological disorders? Discuss any co-morbidity issues.

6. What would possibly be your emotional response (countertransference reaction) to this case.

Important: In your paper, please number your answers per the corresponding questions above. The expected length is 6 (minimum) – 8 pages (maximum), excluding cover page and references (no abstract required). APA style format, citations and references must be used.

The rubrics for this paper and the actual case study (you can download it) are on the Assignment page for Week 7—the paper is worth a maximum of 100 points. Please know that, because this is a Signature assignment, I will be grading these papers very stringently according to the rubric (I have been a bit more relaxed on the smaller papers). I encourage you to get your papers in early, so I can grade early and give you time to ask about your graded papers and allow for time for advocacy of points earned.