Transposition of Great Vessels that was surgically corrected at 1 month of age.

National Family Preservation Network
June 1, 2020
Marketing project
June 1, 2020

Transposition of Great Vessels that was surgically corrected at 1 month of age.



Client is now a teenager and is admitted to the hospital due to Acute Rheumatic Fever. Client is of Aboriginal background and lives in a small town called Kitimat in Canada. The essay should focus on Transposition of Great Vessels corrected at 1 mont of age. It should also touch on Acute Rheumatic Fever as a complication which is now affecting this teenage client. Does the cultural background and coming from a small town contribute as a risk factor? If so discuss why and how it is relevant to this client.
-Define disease/disorder/illness and critically examine this health topic using pathophysiology concepts.
-Discuss the case study’s age and how that age relates to the illness/disease/disorder using developmental concepts discussed in class.
-Outline the topic and discuss its relevance for pediatric nursing.