Trafficked" by Sophie Hayes ESSAY

code of ethics
March 10, 2020
Mills Case For Freedom Of Expression Philosophy
March 10, 2020

Trafficked" by Sophie Hayes ESSAY

Paper instructions:
The book I am using for this paper is “Trafficked” by Sophie Hayes

The goal of this paper is to apply communication concepts and terms to analyze the life of another person by ?putting yourself in the shoes of another?. Developing empathy is a process of understanding who someone is (their background, personality, etc) and how they felt in a given situation.

You have been asked to read ONE of the six selected readings for this class. Each of these stories are about individuals who made choices that impacted not only themselves but others. In this paper you will have the opportunity to analyze what you read by completing the following:


In your introduction please describe why you chose the book that you read. What was it that influenced your choice. Please also describe what concepts and terms you will be discussing.


In the body of the paper please first describe the following:

1) Provide a brief cultural historical context. Provide a history of the country that the stories take place. Describe the colonial, racial/ethnic, religious, or socio-economic histories.

2) Provide a description of the macro and micro cultural groups, muted group, and how power is distributed. (Power can be seen as political power, socio-economic power, positional power)

3) Discuss the categorization process that took place within each of the main characters. For example, what were their perceptual filters and how did they categorize others (or how were they categorized by others). Explain how their perceptual categories impacted their decision making. Please use examples from the book to support your points.

4) Explain how the main character acculturated him/herself to the situation/context they were in. Please identify the specific verbal and nonverbal communication strategies they used to adapt/acculturate to their new cultural environment.


In your conclusion please describe what you learned about EMPATHY as a result of reading your selected story. What did you learn about the country/people and were you able to identify with the main character? Were you able to identify with your character cognitively and/or emotionally?