Tourism and indigenous peoples
Acase study is a detailed and in-depth analysis of one specific topic. Case studies are used in research because they yield insights into
how events unfold in real-life contexts. Case studies are important learning resources because they assist in understanding experiences and
circumstances in a real world context; however, application oftheoretical learning and concepts help explain these real experiences within
the case study material. It is importantto analyse your case study topic using course concepts, models and theories in orderto develop the
depth of your analysis. Mere description of facts pertaining to the topic will not be sufficientto achieve a good mark.
the purpose of case studies assists students in knowing how to successfully submit a case study assignment. Siggelkow’s article entitled
Persuasion with case studies (2007) published in the Academy of ManagementJournal tells us a case study can be used to effectively
illustrate conceptual ideas. In this course you will be introduced to many concepts, theories, models and ideas which you need to
demonstrate a clear understanding of. Forthis assignment you are asked to:
1) select an lndigenoustourism product
E? apply Butler and
inch’s definition of lndigenoustourism and matrix associated with this defintion to this lndigenoustourism product
3) assess in what
ways your chosen product meetsthe criteria of lndigenoustourism and explain the signficance ofthis
Your case study should provide
descriptive details of your selected lndigenoustourism product, but it should also showthat you understand the concepts and ideas behind
Butler and Hinch’s model and can applythem effectivelyto analyse and assess your selected lndigenoustourism product.
You should
consult your lecturer early about your selected case study and seek her approval.
The book of readings and some ofthe recommended
resources contain case studiesthat can assist you in writing your own case study analysis. However,these models do nottell you howto
write your own case study nor direct you to what content to include and exclude. That is yourtask. As a result, each student’s case study
should be uniquely different as each student applies his/her own analysis to the topic.
The case study isto be presented as a formal
It should have a title page with the name ofthe report, the author ofthe report, the date and the word count.
The body of
the report should include:
lntroduction providing an overview of your case study.
A background providing relev ant facts and details
about the selected lndigenoustourism product which will provide foundations for your readerto engage with your discussion and analysis
Discussion ofthe relevant attributes, issues, problems, perspectives that are important in understanding your selected
lndigenoustourism product. This is also where you should provide information on the concept you will use, Butler and Hinch’s defintion of
Analysis ofthe meaning to be gained from this case study. You should think through, discuss and analyse how Butler
and Hinch’s defintion applies to your selected lndigenous product and what that means.
Conclusion should thoroughly sum up the content
ofthe report and re-state the lessons learned from the study.
References are a listing ofthe resources used (including books,
articles, films, websites, interviews, brochures, etc.) in the compiling ofthe report; it includes items referred to in the body ofthe
report. This is importantto get right in orderto avoid a charge of academic misconduct such as plagiarism. You must submit copies of any
source material you used for your case study reportthat may be difficultfor yourtutor to accesstogetherwith your case study reportwhen
you submit itfor assessment. Please use the APAreferencing system forthis assignment.
This task allows you to demonstrate the
attainment of key graduate qualitiesthrough your studies in this course. Firstly you must show an awareness ofthe facts and circumstances
of a key case in lndigenous tourism which allows you to show you have added to your body oftourism knowledge. Additionally, thistask
allows you to demonstrate your communication skills as you must convey this knowledge in a brief and well-written case study report. This
assignment may also allow you to demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in tourism, concerns of social responsibility and
sustainability. Finallythis assignment allows you an opportunityto demonstrate effective problem-solving as you analyse and critique the
issuesthat arise in your chosen case study.