Topic: Valet service parking in universities

International Business Environment
August 23, 2020
: Employment Law Compliance Plan
August 23, 2020

Topic: Valet service parking in universities

Order Description
IMC Term Project/Presentation

This is an INTEGRATED MARKETING and ADVERTISING course, not just marketing.

About having valet services/ parkings im universities
We are choosing to have a survey done as well.
Students will work in groups of five-six students. No fewer than five students and no more than six students are allowed in each group.

50% of project grade/ 10% of course grade
10 page paper double spaced, one inch border, 12 pt. Times New Roman type
50% of project grade/ 10% of course grade

The assignment is to create a brand new product or service aimed at a particular demographic and psychographic audience/public. Give it a meaningful name. Come up with a slogan. Design a logo. Then devise an IMC campaign plan.

Organize the paper/presentation as follows:

1/ Identify the new product. Identify the client. Identify the top three competitors.

2/ Explain the research you would conduct.
Identify the audience/publics.
Identify demographic and psychographics of your audience/publics.
Discuss how you would segment, target and position your audience/publics.
How would you use behavioral segmenting and targeting?
How would you position your brand?

Who or what will be your source? Consider source credibility and attractiveness.
Consider message effects (rhetorical questions, emotional messages, fear appeals, one-sided and two-sided messages, comparative messages) Consider your audience/publics in terms of the diffusion model (where do they fit?) Consider opinion leaders, group influence, subcultures, cultures, globalization.
(How will these impact your strategies?)

What type of data will you use? (primary, secondary, quantitative, qualitative)

What would you learn from surveys, focus groups, ethnographic research?
Would you use physiological data and how?

3/ Explain your branding strategy.
What does your brand mean to consumers?
Discuss accountability, consistency and brand personality as they relate to your product.
Explain if you would use image advertising; why or why not?
How would you build brand equity?
What is your brand’s value proposition/brand promise?
4/Explain your strategic framework.
Identify your brand’s situation.
What are economic and cultural trends that may affect your brand?
Discuss your brand in terms of a SWOT analysis.
5/ Write your measurable objectives.
Include awareness, attitudinal and behavioral objectives.

6/ Explain your strategies.
Include marketing strategy.
Include advertising strategy.
Include public relations strategy.
Write a creative brief for your product (see example on page 168 in Solomon)

7/ Briefly describe the look, feel and content of your messages (ads, PR, guerilla marketing, online/social media, etc.)
Discuss relevance, resonance, emotion and likeability, as they relate to your messages.
Discuss sex appeal, fear appeals, humor appeals, logical appeals and values appeals
(Which would you use and why?)
Discuss lifestyle framework, scientific framework, spokesperson/testimonial, demonstration and slice-of-life framework. (Which would you use and why?)

8/ Explain the creative/strategic tactics/programming you would execute.
Explain which types of IMC tools you would use and why:
Print, Direct Marketing (database marketing, CRM, loyalty programs, behavioral targeting) Broadcast Media/TV/Radio/YouTube, Outdoor, Point of Purchase, Online Media/New Media/Social Media, Mobile Commerce, Virtual Worlds, Blogs, Online Reviews, Social networking, Location based marketing, Sales Promotions, Specialty User-Generated Content, Consumer generated content, Word of Mouth/Viral Marketing, Product Placement/Branded Entertainment, Public Relations (guerilla marketing, press releases, media events, publicity, etc.) Promotions (pull/push strategies), Green Marketing, Tapping into Culture, Media Mix/Integrated Marketing Communication, Sponsorships, Alternative Media, Search Engine Optimization, Packaging, etc.

9/ Explain how you would objectively measure the results of the campaign.
Discuss ROI, Share of Voice, media impressions and awareness, attitudinal and behavioral objectives in terms of how you would measure results of your campaign for your brand.